Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 2

Feeling: inpain
Eleven years ago White seagulls flew around the mast and the sun shown brightly upon the deck. Laughter and singing covered the ship and workers performed their chores as they sang along. A young boy danced with his mother and laughed as they moved through old family steps. His father stood by the stern wall clapping and his older sister sat next to him singing along. Slowly the song came to an end and the boy watched his mother smile as she caught her breath. "Let's go again!" She smiled and said "I'm afraid I need a breather first, Jonathan." The boy's smile fell a little and he turned to his sister. "Helen?" The girl laughed as she rose to her feet and approached her brother. "I'd be honored." He smiled again and they looked at the ship band. With a nod, he heard the music resume and began leading his sister through the same steps. "They truly are children." The mother smiled and wrapped her arm around her husband's arm. She rested her head on her shoulder and let out a content sigh. "I wish we could take these trips more often." The man nodded and sighed "If only it were so simple." "Don't start thinking about work, Isaac. You promised." He chuckled and kissed her brow. "What would I do without you Katrina?" She smiled and looked back at her children. They continued laughing and the song slowly came to an end. The two parents clapped for them and watched their little performers bow like true professionals. "All right you two, we should head down to the eating cabin." Silently the family left the deck and Jonathan stopped at the cabin steps. He smirked at the musicians. They waved back and he disappeared down the steps. He followed the hall to the eating cabin and found his family sitting down. The ship cook brought out the meal and smiled. "I hope you are hungry. I've made lots of it." Isaac laughed and said "I can guarantee at least one of us having seconds, Oric." The old man chuckled and disappeared back into the kitchen. Katrina dished out the food and handed the bowls around the table. Jonathan picked up his spoon and watched his family begin to eat. He took a sip and began filling his stomach. Dinner was quiet as always and when his spoon rested in his empty bowl, he stood up slowly. "Can I go back on deck?" Katrina smiled and asked "More stories?" He nodded and Isaac said "All right." The boy quickly left the eating cabin and dashed up the cabin steps. When he stood in the open air, he took a deep breath and let out a sigh. Running his young hands through his tasseled light brown hair, he studied the deck hands and made his way to the bow. He took a seat and leaned over the wall. Dolphins raced along the haul of the ship and smaller fish followed in their wake. "Don't be falling overboard lad. We won't be able to save you." He smiled and looked back over his shoulder. His uncle Irving smiled and took a seat beside him. "Come to hear stories tonight?" Johnathan turned around and said "Yeah." The man laughed the same deep laugh as his father and he smiled. He loved spending time with the two men and this trip seemed like heaven to him. Irving looked down at him and ruffled his hear, making it wind blown more. "Hey!" "Now now, don't get feisty with me. I can still box your ears good." Johnathan tried to fix his hair and said "Not for much longer." Irving laughed again and asked "Is that a challenge I hear?" He stood up and said "Yeah. I'm going to surpass you and become the best." The man stood up and looked down at the boy. He was a splitting image of his father, from head to toe. The fiery spirit he however did not get from Isaac, as much as his hardheaded wife. "In your dreams runt." Johnathan's dark brown eyes narrowed and he stiffened his spine and straightened his shoulders. "I'm not a runt anymore either." The man laughed and said "Chill out and pop a squat if you want some stories tonight." Frowning, the boy studied his uncle and couldn't tell if the man meant it or not. Uncle Irving was known for being a trickster and he had been gullible one too many times. "Getting old now are we runt?" His frown turned into a scowl and he said "I don't want your stories, Old Man." That doubled the man over with laughed and he spun on his heels. Fuming, he crossed the deck and stopped along the port side. He could see the sun setting below the waves and felt a strong ocean breeze grasp him. Chills ran down his spine and a shiver past his mouth. "I'd be heading down below. A storm's brewing." He looked back and found Irving studying the sky. He looked up himself and found the clear sky darkening rapidly. He had been at sea many times and never experienced a storm. His parents never risked a trip if the weather was bad and another chill ran up his spine. Something just felt wrong and he glanced back up at his uncle. "I thought the weather was clear the whole way?" The man rubbed his chin and mumbled "It is." The temperature began dropping quickly and he felt the swaying of the ship growing stronger. Proud of his own sea legs, he looked back at the deck hands. He found them quickly securing everything and tightening the sails. "What's going on out here?" He looked over his shoulder and found his father approaching them. Irving looked at his brother and said "A storm is brewing fast." Isaac frowned and said "That's impossible." The brothers exchanged a look and Johnathan watched his father shiver. "There's only one explanation." "What is it Father?" Isaac looked down at his boy and rested his hand on the small shoulder. "Get down below where it is safe and stay with your mother and sister." He frowned and said "I can stand just fine." Isaac shook his head and said "It is too dangerous up here. Please. I need you to keep an eye on our family until this passes." He studied the serious glint in his father's brown eyes and nodded slowly. Silently Isaac released his shoulder and looked back at Irving. Quietly Johnathan made his way to the cabin steps and glanced back. The two men were speaking in hushed tones and he walked down the steps. The ship swayed to the right and he threw his arm out to stabilize him. Reaching the bottom of the steps, he walked down the hall and pushed his cabin door open. He found his mother and sister waiting for him on his bed and closed the door. "Where is your father?" He met his mother's worried gaze and said "On deck with Uncle Irving." She let out a sigh and walked over to the window. He took a seat on his bed and Helen looked at him. "What is with the storm?" He shrugged and placed his hands under his head. He didn't know what had brought the storm upon them but it felt wrong. Something was seriously wrong and his father's tone had proven it. "I want you to stay here." He looked back at his mother and watched her head to the door. "Father wants us to stay down here." She looked back at him and said "I know what I'm doing. You two stay here." The door closed behind her and he let out a sigh. He wanted to know what was going on and glanced at his sister. She held her knees to her chest and stared out the window. She felt his gaze on her and looked back at him. "I'm sure it will pass before you know it." He looked away and stared at the ceiling. That was a horrible lie and he knew she was worried. Helen was an easy read, just like their mother. The ship tossed violently to the side and sent them onto the floor. Helen let out a cry and he pushed himself off the floor. He moved to her side and took her in his arms. She was shivering and he heard the thunder rumbling above them. Faint yelling came from the deck and he looked back at the door. What is going on? Helen continued shivering in his arms and he closed his eyes. The ship threw him onto his back and he tightened his hold on his sister. Something cracked outside his chamber and he released his sister. Getting to his feet, he walked to the door and opened it. "Where are you going?" He looked out into the hall and saw a crack running along the stern inner wall. He heard the yelling increase from above and looked back at Helen. "There's a crack in the wall." She got to her feet and came to the door. He let her look for herself and she caught his arm. "We have to tell Father." He shook his head and said "That is by the kitchen. I have to make sure Oric is okay." Helen tightened her hold on him and said "It's not going to hold, Johnathan unless someone mends it." He nodded and said "Go inform someone but be careful. I'm going to check on Oric." Helen watched him slip down the hall and closed her eyes. She dashed up the steps and forced her way onto the deck. The wind ripped at her and she covered her ears as she looked for her parents. She found Katrina holding a sail line and her Uncle Irving manning the wheel. Painfully she pushed her way toward her mother and caught her arm. "Mother!" Katrina looked at her and asked "What are you doing up here Helen?" "There's a crack down below on the stern wall!" Katrina glanced across the deck at Irving and he pointed toward the bow on the port side. She followed his gaze and found her husband working with some deck hands trying to save the life boats. "Isaac!" He couldn't hear her over the storm and she tightened her hold on the sail line. "Katrina, go inform your father, but please be careful!" The girl nodded and slowly made her way across the deck. She caught her father's shirt as she approached and tugged on it. He looked over his shoulder and stared at her, surprised to find her up on deck. "What is it?" "There's a crack down below on the stern wall!" His face grew more grim and he asked "Where is your brother?" She took a deep breath and yelled "He went to see if Oric is okay!" The man let out a curse she knew would get him in hot water with her mother and he checked the deck for an available hand. He found one deck hand holding onto the mast for dear life and whistled at him. The man slowly made his way over and Isaac found him trembling. "I need you to hold this line. There is a crack that needs mending immediately down below!" "Sir! I'm not help to you!" His eyes flashed and he jerked the man forward. "My son is still down there and I will not lose anyone to this blasted storm!" The deckhand nodded slowly and took the line. Isaac caught Helen's shoulder and guided her back to the cabin steps. They got in from the rain and found half an inch of standing water waiting for them. "Johnathan!" He heard a clashing come from the kitchen and a cry of pain followed. Growling, he turned back to Helen and found her growing pale. "Stay on these steps. I mean it." She nodded and he stepped into the cold water. Using his hand as a stabilizer, he moved down the hall and stopped outside the kitchen. The door was ajar and he tried pushing it open. It wouldn't budge and he glanced at the crack in the wall. The thing was slowly growing and soon the water would be filling this cabin up if he couldn't get it plugged. He banked on the kitchen door and asked "Oric! Johnathan, can you hear me?" "Father!" He heard splashing as the boy came to the door and asked "Are you okay?" "Yes, but Oric is badly injured. I think his leg is broken." "What happened?" "When I came to check on him the ship threw everything around in here and a shelf is lying against the door, blocking it. Oric was hit with another shelf and can't move his left leg." Isaac took a deep breath and said "All right. I want you to listen to me very carefully." "Sir." "Can you find the tool kit that is kept in the back of the kitchen?" Johnathan left the door and made his way over to the far corner. He pulled boards out of the way and found the box. Picking it up, the weight tugged at his arms and he grit his teeth as he carried it back to the door. "Got it." "Good." Johnathan studied the door and glanced back at Oric. The cook was watching him but growing a little blue. "Oric?" The man forced a smile and said "I'll be fine, lad. Get that to your father." He slowly nodded and put the kit down. The only way he was getting anything through the door was if he could move the shelf. Frowning, he flexed his hands and grabbed the shelf. The weight burned his arms but he slowly managed to pull the shelf loose. When it fell out of the way, his arms hung burning at his sides and he forced a deep breath into his lungs. "Johnathan?" He picked up the kit and pulled the door open. Issac let out a relieved sigh when he found the boy in good shape and caught his shoulders. "I told you to stay put." His young brown eyes stared back at him with only a look Katrina bore and he sighed. "Very well. Help Oric to the steps and get your sister to your uncle." "What about you?" He took the kit and said "I have to mend this crack before the wall goes." Johnathan stared at him and Isaac walked to the wall. He put the kit down and looked back at his son. "Now Johnathan." He frowned and walked back to Oric. Pushing the board off the cook's leg, he heard Oric's scream in his ear and closed his eyes. The cook caught his shoulder and he helped the man up. Slowly they crossed the kitchen and stepped into the hall. The ship threatened to drive his legs from underneath him but he leaned against the wall to keep himself up. Oric winced with each step and they walked through the rising water. When Helen saw them at the steps, she helped the cook up the stairs and looked back at him. "Come on!" He looked back at his father and found the man working quickly to try and plug the crack. Letting out a sigh, he climbed the steps and helped Helen move Oric up to a secure spot on deck. Setting the cook down, he looked around the deck and found his uncle at the wheel. He caught Helen's hand and yelled "Come on!" She followed him up the steps and over to their uncle. The man looked them over and pointed to the wall a few behind him. He found some rails and had Helen sit down. She caught hold of the rail and saw him rising to leave. She caught his hand and yelled "Johnathan, no!" He looked back at her and the ship threw them to the side. Helen's hand tightened on his wrist and he caught another rail as he was thrown across the deck. Holding himself from being carried overboard, he looked at his uncle and found the man gritting his teeth. The man raised a hand to his mouth and yelled "Get to the boats!" His eyes widened and he looked back at Helen. She was shaking from the cold and the fear of the situation they had found themselves in. Irving looked back at them and beckoned for them to follow. He caught Helen's hand and helped her over to the man. "Get to the boats. This ship is not going to make it." He felt his throat tightening and helped Helen down the steps. He found his mother and some deck hands pushing the boats over the wall. Quietly they reached her and she helped them into the boat. Sitting in the middle of the boat, he watched his mother climb in and begin lowering them down. "Wait!" Katrina looked back at him and he yelled "Father!" She closed her eyes and yelled "Your uncle will get him!" He shook his head and released Helen. She screamed after him but he climbed the ship wall. Pulling himself over the edge, the ship threatened to toss him into the sea but he planted his feet. Forcing him way to the cabin steps, he descended them and found the water up past the bottom step. "Father!" He didn't hear anything and felt someone catch his shoulder. He looked back and found his uncle trying to pull him away. "No! We have to help him!" "Get to the boat before it's too late! I'll get him!" He shook his head and yelled "I won't leave him!" Irving frowned but he pulled himself free. The ship threw him off balance and he fell down the steps. Landing in the cold water, he rolled onto his feet and looked back up at his uncle. The man was gone and he frowned. Turning around, he found Isaac painfully trying to finish nailing the final board to the wall and made his way over to the man. The ship threw him into the wall and then off his feet. He hit the floor and shook his head clear as he sat up. He found his father holding a hand to his shoulder and hurried over to him. "Are you okay?" Isaac looked at him and asked "What are you doing here? I told you get out of here." "Everyone is off the ship." The man frowned and said "As should you be." He stared up at the stern look in his father's face and growled "I won't leave you here by yourself." The man caught his shoulder and said "You have to get off this ship, Johnathan." He shook his head and said "I won't unless you come with me." Isaac wanted to shake the boy but knew it was pointless. He was turning into a man and his ties to the family ran through his blood, just like all the men in the family. Looking past his son, he saw Irving standing at the end of the hall and caught the glint in the man's eye. His hand tightened on the boy's shoulder and his brother brought out a gun. "I said get to the boat!" Johnathan turned around and felt his world crumbling. First his father was going to go down with this sinking ship and now his uncle stood with them at gun point. "Put it down, Irving." The man shook his head and said "You and I both know this ship will sink if he stays aboard." Johnathan looked up at his father and saw the sorrow enter the man's eyes. His grip tightened on his shoulder and he looked back at his uncle. The man cocked the trigger and aimed the gun at him. Two guns fired and his ears ringed. He felt his father knock him out of the way and opened his eyes. Irving lay in the rising water dead and he found his father barely holding himself up. "Father?" Isaac looked at him and said "Let's go." The man forced himself to his feet and they moved down the flooding hall. He stopped next to his uncle's body and felt his father pull him along. They climbed the steps onto the deck and lightning struck. It lit the boards on fire and he ran to the last life boat. Isaac helped push the boat over the side and they heard the cries from down below. "Hurry Johnathan!" He pushed the boat clear and cranked the boat down. Isaac dumped him into the boat and smacked the crank with his gun. The ropes jerked and then began racing down. Johnathan watched his father tumble into the boat and he grabbed the oars. Using all his strength, he began paddling the boat away from the ship and heard something crackling as they drew away. "What is it?" Issac looked back at the boat and let his second curse for the night. He took the oars and paddled harder. "Stay low!" He looked back at the ship and heard the crackling stop. His father's eyes widened slightly and the ship exploded. The blast threw them overboard and into the icy water. He surfaced slowly and looked around. Debris surrounded him but no one was in sight. His eyes widened and he yelled "Father! Mother! Helen!" No answer came and the waves threatened to consume him. His legs grew weaker as he forced himself afloat and a wave knocked him below the water. He tried pulling himself up to the surface but felt his mind shutting down with the cold water growing darker around him.
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