let it go

Listening to: Plain White T's-Stop
Feeling: triumphant
I just realized that its been exactly one year since I've eaten meat. Yes, I realize I've been a vegetarian for like a year and 3 months or something, but Civic was the last time I ate meat. So yeah, I just thought that was interesting. I think I forgot to mention, Nikki asked if I wanted to be in a band with her and Rachel. Rachel used to be the drummer of Clarus Obscurus (as Nikki was the guitarist) so they know more about being in a band then I, I guess. Of course I said sure, we just have to wait for Nikki to get off house arrest which is in like a week or something. Fun fun. Plain White T's are coming to Ventura! I'm excited, its at the loft too...little venues are the best. now your suprised that I'm pissed. you think I'm acting all tough. well I think your acting like a bitch. and I swear this time I've had enough
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its a 2 hour dvd of first little fun clips, then video of dances and campus and just fun stuff. it's awesome
