
Feeling: happy
Mum and I went shopping again today, very cool. First we went to Longs, spent $52, that was amazing. Got all kinds of makeup, including the blue mascara that I love the most and this composition book. I got more but I don't think I need to list. Then we went to the mall. I have to say, my mom was completely right when she said I would like the store she found. See it's like Hot Topic only it's not for only those fucking skinny kids, but it's not like a fat kid store either. LOL. It's just cool, called Torrid. I got these fucking great pants, their black and white dotted, but only around the waist, and on a part of the leg that you can zip up. They have braces, very nice. Also got this pink and black grommet bracelet and these 3 metal braceletes. So then we moved on to Hot Topic, and for the first time, we found something other then a shirt that was cheap that I liked. It's a long black skirt this metal loops and shit. It's really cool. Also got an Ataris shirt, lol, Olivia may get pissed cuz it's the one she's got but o well. Also got an Alk3 patch for the jacket, yayness. In Hot Topic we realized my mom lost her debit card, so we had to go back to the other place to get it back. Then while leaving I got this mesh jacket, a shirt that is like an advertisement for a girl punk-rock show and a shirt that says blame my parents. So yeah that was my day. Tomorrow while be spent cleaning my room. Because I was inspired by someone else to make it nice. It will be. I'm going to work on it now, even though I'm tired. Sorry if I sound like a bitch for all this.
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whoa man i gotta go to that kinda store. those pants sound kick ass! lol.