he's better now

Feeling: sinful
Whats going on with all the pictures eh? Well, no matter. My house almost caught on fire today, I was all alone. And the power strip to my computer began to smoke (water got into it) so I unplugged it and threw it into the middle of the room. Haha, brave little me. School tomorrow, dammit dammit. I dunno...I'm just tired of having to go to school. Tired of hearing people tell me what I'm gonna turn out to be..."You'll make a great teacher" "You could be a great writer" "You should be in politics" "I'm sure you can do better then your parents ever did"...I really don't fucking care, I don't want any of it, none. I want to do what I want to do. Maybe I won't turn out any better then my parents, I can't ever know if I don't let myself do the things I want. This town is so closed, everythings being torn down and built up, and every time it changes I feel the walls close in. This place is to small, this town is stuffy. No more bitching for tonight. I just remembered tomorrow is an 8:50 day..weeh. So I can wake up at 6:30 instead of 6....fuck thats another thing, I have all these stupid little things I have to do, because I got them from my parents. Grrr no more! No more thinking! dreaming about providence. and whether mice and men have second tries
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i liked that Of Mice and Men book, out of randomness.
My town is nicknamed "The Bubble" here in Georgia, as well. Man. Be whoever the fuck you want to be. Just smile and nod when they get like that.