I'm Such a Cracker

Yeah, I know I'm stupid. Not much happened today, went to church, Garret was there, he his brother and sister don't come very often to the church. Went to Green Thumb after church, got some dirt :) And then we came home and went to work on our garden, put some of the dirt in the first box we set out, and put in another box. I made 10 bucks, so now I can get the AAR cd! Saw the hoax site that everyone was freakin out about yesterday, the one that said that Eminem was dead, it's easy to tell it's a hoax if you think a little. I need to take a shower, yeah, since I spent the entire day outside in the dirt, I stayed in the backyard that long for a while, and haven't been into the little garden section in almost a year, more then that, maybe, last time I played in it was about 3 years ago, when I was littler. I just remembered that I'm turning 15 this year, wow, sorry to make you people fall asleep if you took the time to read this, it's just another day in my boring life.
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