so maybe you loved me

Listening to: Hole-Miss World
Feeling: uneasy
Urrggh, today was an odd day. Hanging out with Bry and Heather before school. And it wasn't until after school that I finally finished off my first of 2 packs of Reds....Bry laughed at me 'cos I do the 'lucky' thing with my cigarettes. So sue me! I haven't been caught by a campus aide yet so ttthpppt! My boot came apart, I'm soo angry. I fucking love those boots, they're like old 80's style shoes, but also I hate to say this word: nazi punk, sort of boots. I'm not feeling the nazi punk bit, but thats what they remind me of. They fucking rock, and I don't care if I have to wrap the entire shoe in duct tape, I'm WEARING THEM!!! The bus driver coming home passed us by, his bus was practically empty and he passed us by. I don't know if he thought we were gonna set fir to his bus or what, asshole, and there wasn't even another bus behind him. I had to haul ass and walk to IM...6 minutes, thats a goddamn record. Matt had a brilliant moment today, he ACTUALLY knew what an Agnostic He's such an idiot sometimes, and he makes me mad 'cos he seems to think he's always right. Kinda like how Dani pisses me off, she just talks out of her ass all the time, about how 'the birds are 2 males and a female, two mates and one not' WTF??? They were flying above our fucking heads in the locker room. She thinks she's a fucking witch who can see into the future and fly and shit. She's one fucking crazy bitch. I ditched 4th with Lauren, we just walked around. And yeah. Finished learning Ruby SoHo :D And I might be getting an Amp soon. Sunday I'm going to a Renessaince Faire, fun fun. I gotta go clean my room some more. Peace.
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i love those fairs.