do you like to hurt?

Feeling: gelatinous
Don't ask. I just saw the funniest thing ever. Pictures of J.P. from back in Middle School.....looking nothing like the hot kid with eyeliner that used to sit near my friends and me every day at lunch *sigh* I'm still supposed to be cleaning, but I want to sleep. I've figured if I want to be awake tomorrow, all I have to do is drink a RockStar energy drink in the morning so I can be hella-jittery. I finally took the suitcase out from behind my door. But it will make its return, probably if we go on our trip this summer (fingers are sorta crossed for that) Word is Good Charlotte is coming to our Warped Tour....grrrrrrrrrr. Isn't it ironic how 2-3 years ago I loved GC, now whenever they come here I don't like it. It just means a bunch of 12 year olds will be invading the festivalthingy. Fuck, I guess on the bright side it means more little bitches to kick around in the pit, but seriously, I don't like little chicks in crowds 'cos the fuckers pull hair and shit, 'cos they're little bitches!! that always pisses me off. I've had to punch a few girls 'cos they wouldn't stop pulling my goddamn hair, and they always threaten to syk their boyfriends on me. I love that, 'cos I'm always like 'bring it' and then I get in fights with their boyfriends. Thats actually fun, 'cos I've won most of the time, and girlfriends really do NOT like seeing their boyfriend get his ass kicked by a GIRL. Anyhell. I want a boy whose soo drunk he doesn't talk
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"You bitch! My boyfriend's EIGHTEEN AND HE HAS A CAR! (squeak)"
(boyfriend walks up, boyfriend comes up to Jessica's belly button and has ego taller than he is)
Jessica: (looks at boyfriend) ...(sits on boyfriend, stands, and walks away)
Girl: (cries)

Heh, heh.