Fuck Being Sick

Listening to: Linkin Park-Numb
Feeling: annoyed
Grrr. I was doing so well last night, and I woke up this morning, and started shaking and stuff, like I did back when I was taking Vicodin. So I stayed home again and though most people would think me crazy for being mad about missing school, but I have shit I need to do. I guess I'll have to wing it here at home. Oh well. I can practice guitar, and maybe go outside when the sun comes out a little more. Hopefully I'll be well enough tonight to go to the gym, even though I probably won't eat anything today. Soo bored. I got 2 extra hours of sleep, before Peter's bass on his car woke me up, every time he opens the fucking trunk the windows in this house shakes, it's annoying. Blah. Must study for Math test, Spanish test, and make up proposal :0
Read 4 comments
yeah it always blows. mine usually gets fucked up somehow when i do it but eh eventually it turns out alright

your background is hot who is it..they look really familiar!

i hope you feel better ~hugz~, LatErz
mm, yummy. math.
yeah same here..okay that's not true when i do someone elses hair i usually manage to get it either all over me or them..heh..:)

yeah it's very hot i'm really likin the guy the farthest to the left.oh yeah
