X-mas Shopping II

Listening to: TV
Feeling: joyful
Went x-mas shopping again, but this time it was for ourselves, and I only went with mom. At church mom asked why I wasn't singing during the service, hmmph, how the fuck should I know. We wrapped more presents downstairs, and did some singing, it was like a fucking campfire, soo funny. Then mom and I went to the store, haha, she got absolutely nothing, which was strange. I got a bunch of stuff though, this one green skirt, it looks like an army skirt...cept no camo, it's really cool. Also got this pleated denim skirt....it's the fucking shortest skirt I've ever owned in my life. Got a see-thru white shirt, a black shirt with silk collar and pockets, and a grey/black shirt with a white collared shirt underneath it. Last thing we got was tights, pink, blue, grey and fishnets. And that has been my day, I saw Danielle at the mall though. And now I'm probably going to stay in my room all day and watch LOTR a bunch of times. I need to go see Return of the King some time soon. Adios. BTW I'm not really feeling the new SIT layout, it's ok, but I liked the old one better. But hey, whatever, long as people are happy.
Read 2 comments
heh, the background is very confusing, i know. and the fun thing is.. i have millions more like it! hee. we're going to keep YOUR eyes busy now, aren't we!?
o yes, busses are like creepy people breeding grounds. but some creepy people are just dead sexy =D.