can't wait to fuck this up

Feeling: jubilant
Agh, I didn't even realize yesterday was the one year aniversary for this diary. Wow, thanks to the people who did, I would have forgot it alltogether. I went to the Madcap/Fall Out Boy/Homegrown/Mest concert. FUCKING AWESOME. We met all the guys of Mest, guys from FOB, Madcap, and Homegrown. Kristy and I got out of school early, and went down there. Every single set was amazing, especially Mest....just incredible. Better then last time, and last time was great, considering Tony had a fucked up back. They played Hotel Room, that made me completely happy. Brian, Stevo and Courtney went, and hung out with us. It was all just soo much fun, and wayyyyy too much to write down here. IF I ever get the chance I'll put some pictures, hoping that they come out. But I can do a bit of a gist for it. Best lines: "Yeah, take it off" (Nick (mest) told me that) "I'm not gay, I love pussy, but this one is for all the guys" (Tony) "Now all we need is Jeremiah" ::nudge, I point at Jere standing right next to her:: (Kristy) "Can you sign this" "Yeah, in just a sec, I really have to pee!" (Joe (fob)) "I just accidentally ate the E" (Me) "Uh, thanks" (Tony (mest) afer him and I misunderstood what Kristy said) Best actions: Run, Stop, Run Back (kristy) Someone threw this pink shirt onto Tony's mic stand, and so he licked it, then bit it and kept it in his mouth (we don't know where it came from) Tony dance. Adam (Homegrown) almost dropped his bass on us. John pretending to be a mannaquin in the resteruant window. Cops arresting the Paranoid Schizophrenic right in front of the foyeur. Good stuff. Great concert. I think I'm going to make another layout for this diary, seeing as how I've had it a year, I think I already know I want it to be FOB. Just gotta find some pictures and pick some lyrics (So hard to do) Adios.
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i luv something corporate
Gr, I mean, if they really want to see how I'd react, let's think twice about poking me with a pencil while you're driving on the freeway.

Whatever, I think their intelligence level is about zero.