I fell in love with people sleeping

Feeling: carefree
Mehhh. Guess who hates boys still? Me. Dude, I'd be gay if I didn't hate most girls even more then I hate guys. I should just try to reproduce Asexually, then I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. I got a kiss, hugs, and was violated. All in the same day. Yeah, it wasn't that bad a day. But why do all guys have to be such horn-dogs? Seriously, well, at least all the guys who like me. Grrr, I don't wanna be another fuck, sorry, thanks but no thanks. But this guy, has got like all the best moves, its scary, 'cos I'm like the cold-hard bitch when it comes to that shit, nobody ever gets through to me. Things gotta keep on changing, I'm changing to I guess. I find myself falling in love with friends all over again, and I don't want it to happen. But it will, I just have to set myself up. I can't not care about people for the rest of my life, hopefully these friends won't let me down like the last ones. Daniel Johns is a god....mmmkthnxs
Read 3 comments
I love your background pic, and by the way the wuote you have about you fall in love with people sleeping, that is seriously something andy warhol would say.
Men suck. Everyone thinks I'm gay because i won't go out with anyone...but I think it's funny to watch them whisper!
Have a good, violation free weekend.
Hey!~OMG...That lightening thing at the top of ur diary is soo awesum!How on Earth did u get it there?TTYL!~