My Mom, the 6 year old

Feeling: balanced
My mother, I swear sometimes I wonder if she stopped growing up when she was little. Today we had to go to my podiatrists for a real pre-op. Well she didn't know where the office was, she thought it was in the hospital. Then start screaming at me because I couldn't remember what fucking building it was. ITS IN AN ALLEY FOR GODS SAKE, THEY ALL LOOK THE FUCKING SAME!!!! Then she's yelling because I don't know and asks me if I know what town it's in, I could have been a smart ass and said no but I said yes, this one. She looked at me and threatened to slap me. Fucking whore. SO we found the place, after much more screaming. I got out of the car and she sat in it, like a fucking 2 year old, I yelled at her, in the parking lot, that I wasn't going in there alone cuz I don't know what I'm doing. Then I threatened to go in there and tell them that I didn't know what I was doing cuz she wouldn't come inside. Then I stood there a couple minutes, then walked down the walkway, I was planning on walking all the fucking way home. So I heard her get out of the car and came walking back, and we went inside the doctors office. I swear she drives me soooo fucking crazy sometimes, I wanted to hit her sooo bad again. She fucking asks me questions and gets mad when I give her real answers, does she want me to be sarcastic? Bitch. Besides that I shall say what else happened, nothing. Saw Trainspotting last night, and it was phenomenal, amazing. I loved it so I stayed up till midnight to watch it again and tape it. I would have to say my fave character is Sick Boy :D Ok, and after the episode today we saw my podiatrist. He gave me crutches, so maybe I will be able to go to the fair, the nurse seemed very unsure about it. Oh well, whatever. He's giving my vicodin for the pain :) Hahaha. Okie dokie, I'm out. "For a vegetarian, Rents, your a fucking evil shot" LOLOL sorry I loved that Still working on my little AFI layout
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My Mum does stuff like that too, I know how you feel. Sometimes I just feel like slapping her.