taking it all back

Feeling: cynical
It's been a morbid month. Full of all kinds of bullshit and unhappiness. It'd be so nice to just skip right over this past month. I was talking to Matt about how bad it'd been, and he said to look on the bright side..next month could only be good. I don't see that happening, but either way I'd rather not be spending my life having good month, bad month, so on and so forth. Janell isn't making it any better, she's doing that thing where if it doesn't have to do with her or something she's into she just doesn't care. I have to listen to her talk about her stupid fucking friends, and her 'horrible' life, and how she's always writing poems about suicide. How the fuck does somebody write a poem about something they don't know about? If anything I should be the one writing them, at least I've been affected by it. But no, she wants to be like every other 'punk rock' kid, angsty and depressed. I'm not stupid, I can see it, and it's such a load of fucking bullshit. Why am I supposed to listen to her, and care about all her problems, when she NEVER does that for me. I mean, I do have people who listen to me, but the fact that she never does really gets to me. Jordan did it to, and Dannell occasionally does. I'm almost to the point where I'm sick of having friends, cuz all they do is fuck me over.
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Well... find better friends, I suppose, if we want to be simple about it. I had a... close experience with a girl who was quite "angsty" and suicidal, though I don't know why you'd fail suicide 6 times due to calling hotlines... it's attention-seeking, really. I figure it's the same for poetry, if they read it. You probably can't change them, and if they do become horribly unbearable, sever the bonds. ESPECIALLY if they betray you.
oh boy less than jake is the r0x0rs... and friends suck big time until you find the right ones... keep those that are good for you and throw the shitty ones out on their asses...im sure ya deserve better then people that dont listen or care about your problems

i have to write again because i was looking at your journal and you have brand new lyrics and i had to give you props because brand new is awesome... they are gods man

in a while pedphile
hey thanks for making me feel welcome here.it made me smile

i hope that everything is alright in your life and the rest of the month goes well for you..

bye dear
fucken stupid ass bad month...shitty for me as well...but with soem bright sides...
