you can't make them want you

Feeling: vacant
I may just possibly be going to the Story of the Year concert :) With Kristy, and its a non-school day, so we'll be hanging out beforehand I'm sure. My mom left today, at like 8 in the morning. She won't be back for a while. Me and my dad on our own for now. We're completely useless, we'll probably end up not doing anything useful for the time she's gone. But now I have to be the one who takes care of dad. He stopped taking care of me years ago. I have to remind him what to take to work, and to remember his lunch. Its strange. I chased Princess for almost 3 blocks. Fucking bitch dog. Erica fucking walked. If it weren't for me, that dog would've gotten away and never been found, then got hit by a car (she almost got hit today) but I fucking ran....that pisses me off, every time I do something right, it goes completely unnoticed.
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Well, I commend you for doing something right. So there.
If you can't make them want you, and you're confused as to whether they do or not, and you end up asking if they want you and they DO, is that a good thing even if you were an asshole and made them decide whether they wanted you or someone else more?
Even if they told the truth?
O_o maddie
O_o maddie