all my life

Feeling: torn
Boring day, basically. I still have a 1 1/2 of MReds. I'm doing better then Bry would, apparently. But I don't have a fucking lighter that works, so that could be it too! Man I am mad at this chick, who stole some of my friends icons on GJ, and she complains that they're 'just icons'. Stupid little bitch, I decided to embody Karma and steal some of her pictures....fucker, nobody messes with David. Especially not some little pussy Brody Dalle wannabe whose too fucking stupid to get her own look. I mean, c'mon, I love The Distillers, and I've probably known about them longer then she has, but you don't see me running around looking just like Brody, because I have my own personalitly mmmmkay? Yeah. People who do that piss me off, really bad, why can't everbody be themselves, why do you have to be anybody else?? I don't understand. Did I mention I got AP in the mail finally. And we got new house phones, I LOVE THEM!!! I realized that when I move out of the house I have my Mickey Mouse phone, so I will not be phoneless when I move out, very awesome. Anyhoo. I have to go to bed now, I'm tired.
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yay, mickey.