i'd rather die

Feeling: reborn
I'm supposed to clean....I still don't feeling like doing it though. Maybe if I put it off long enough mom will forget and we can go shopping or something...then I can do it tonight. I had chocolate chip pancakes this morning, I'm trying to get rid of them so they won't bother me. Last night at school there was a dance and a football game, I went to nethier, although Nina and all of them probably did. I'm such a loser, I always complain about having nobody to hang out with, but when I get the chance I just don't use it. Oh well. I wouldn't wanna go to either the dance or game, cuz our school sucks and I'm sure the dance was stupid as well. Crap I just remembered what CD it was that I was wanting to buy...Story of the Year of course, how could I forget, well now that means I really do have to clean :( Oh well. .as years go by.i race the clock with you.but if you die right now.you know that i die to.
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thanks for the note. =D