It was punch drunk love <3

Listening to: J.James - I Wonder
Feeling: grr
Work was actually really good. Did 2 parties. Made 20 bucks. And I have a party everyday the rest of the week. LOL. Haha funniest comment all day "Imagine them having sex. Or the smells that would eminate from that room. B.O AND SPERMICIDE .. omg ew" - Me "I really shouldn't be finishing my food right now. That was truly disgusting"- Lil Dave Or how mike is obsessed with the bulletin i posted .. "Apparently there was a mountain lion in YO HOOD!" good times. Then HE picked me up. And we fought for 3 effin hours, sitting outside my fucking house. And, it wasn't even a dumb argument. It just kinda made me look at shit ALOT differently. But i still like him so0o much.
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