i'll seri0usly kill y0ur face

Feeling: happy
Yayy .. once again, I have become obsessed with the band H.I.M. Oh My Fuck .. they rawk. Seriously, Ville Valo can cause instantaneous orgasms for me .. it's sad really. lol. Oh well. Lately, I've also become obsessed with this one website. If you don't know about Tucker Max, you should. Go to .. www.tuckermax.com and see for yourself. I'm warning you though, most chicks wont like this website. In all seriousness, the guys an asshole. BUT ITS SO FUCKING GREAT. ohh *sigh* Me and Josh got into an argument last night .. again. Ugh. But, the thing I dont understand is, why is he constantly trying to change who I am? Like, I've been smokin erb for almost 8 years now. Every once in a while, I go skiing. It's not like I do either everyday. Just while i'm out, partying. Coz every once in a while, you just want to be completely mindfucked while your shitfaced. It's a good time. But he insists on getting mad about it. He knew I was like this, 3 years ago, BEFORE we starting dating. I dont know why he's still getting mad about it. Oh well, such is life. Oh oh then .. I went bonkers on myspace .. and added all these retarded lyics as my captions for my pix. Complete with html tags. Yes, i'm a dork, and I have no life. Shut the fuck up about it. There's alot of things I dont understand that are going on in my life. I'm swamped with trying to figure it all out. And it kills me that I cant tell ANYONE about any of this. Im such a fuckface. Justin came over, at like 3:30 this morning, and brought cigarettes. Since I was fiending like no other. Then he just "leaves" them here. lol .. w00ps. He REEKED of fucking alcohol. I'm so glad he didnt get pulled over. Or he would've been "donezo" [to quote Kristin from Laguna Beach .. i ♥ that show!!] So I'm talking to HUBBY .. heh. No he's not reall my hubby. But one day, we're gonna get married, and have 16 crazy motherfucking kids that look like a cross between GG Allin & Edward Norton. OH! And we're gonna go to GG's grave, drink a 5th of Jack Daniels, and piss all over it. Coz we're scumfuck's like that. bahaha. I was thinking of the completely random phone call we had one night. Where we were talking about PORN [my favorite subject as of late], and how he was looking at internet porn, and the one title was "Look whats up my ass!" lmfao. And how I was watching "From Dusk till Dawn", and somehow we got on a discussion about a dildo with a chainsaw motor. He makes this crazy fucking noise like .. RA GA GA GA GA. omg. So funny .. hahahaha. I wanna watch Haggard. Too bad I dont own it. Some great fucking lines from that movie - "I wanna play the field - of dicks!" "EW!" .. "These are .. girlfriends .. underwears" .. "Hellboy fucking fingered me!" .. "Teenagers were meant to fuck" "Did she just say teenagers were meant to fuck?" .. "Don't touch me, or I'll seriously kill your face, it's so hardcore." Hahaaha .. I love that movie. I'm very random this morning. =] Hrm. I'm supposed to go over Jessieys and watch my god daughter Kaylah today. So I suppose that's my silver lining to this crap ass of a day. TooDLeS ♥
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