b0ys sh0uld n0t wear pink shirts

Listening to: Bloodhound Gang
Feeling: icky
So yesterday was grandtabulous. Minus the crazy fuqqed up dreams. Anywhooo .. hung out with Justin yesterday. [when don't I though?!] We went to the mall, and I told him to buy a pink collared shirt, so he could pop his collar like it's 1982 bitches. He picked up this collared light pink + dark pink shirt, and I thought he was seriously gonna buy it. THANK GOD he didn't. Or else, I would've tormented the fuqq out of him. lol. Then we walked around, and made fun of the ugly people that have infested Pittsburgh. OMG, the crackhead lady, and the fat chick in all white. lmfao. Then we drove around for a while, and went to South Park, where we talked about a bunch of shit. It's comforting knowing that I found such a fuqqing amazing friend. There's no worries, no anxiety, nothing. It's like i've known him for YEARS. ahh. happytime. So then he drove me home, and guess who i saw. BILL motherfuqqing CONNORS. I had a shitfit about it in the car. And Justin just looks at me like, ooook your a crazy bitch. lol. Then I came home, cuddled with Josh for a bit, then went online. Then my cats ate like an ENTIRE bag of catnip, and went fuqqing skitso on me. Ugh. So I took a nap, and I had a dream that my boyfriend stabbed the fuqq out of me. Yah, great dream. So then Jessiey was here, and she brought me a cheeseburger from Mickey D's! I was craving one for like .. 2 weeks. mmm. Then we watched part of Made, and I laughed my ass off when the chick fell trying to snowboard. "Is vermont part of canada?" LMAO. Wow. Stupidity at it's finest. Then I went to bed again, where I had the dream from the previous entry. CRAZY. Oh Well. I'm bored. Ima go talk to Jess + Justin and try to stay awake so I dont go back to sleep. TooDLeS ♥ [if only you knew how much you make me smile]
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