
Listening to: O.A.R - Hey Girl
Feeling: hyper
Ah. Boredom. Yesterday, went over Jess's. Watched "Dont Say a Word". I must go buy that movie, it was awesome. Then I helped her clean her room, while taking care of my god daughter, Kaylah. She's fucking adorable. So we ate some sort of stuffed shell thingieys, and then we put a bandanna on Kaylah, and took all kinds of pix. Now if only Jessiey uploaded pix as much as me. She doesn't. But she's also a douche bag. Its okay though, I love her. Came home around 7, and I was tired as fuck. This is partially because I hadn't slept since the previous day. So I passed the fuck out till 4 am. Woke up, got online, and Hubby asked me to call him. I seriously ALWAYS have the most ridiculous conversations with him. They never make sense. They're always just a bunch of randomness with us erupting into laughter every 5 seconds. haha. So I was talking to him online, and Justin was freestyling in an IM to me. So I told hubby about it. He busted out with this one line. It was so god damn funny. Something like "I get high as a kite, bounce off the walls, walk around the street, grabbing my balls. Wait, I have a clit and tits, doesn't matter, your still a punk ass bitch!". LMFAO .. he's like type that to your boy, and say its from you. Of course I said hubby said it. lmfao. Oh christ. So then we got on the subject on Pikksburgh words. [examples - chipped chop ham, gumband, pierogies n'at, jagoff, jaggerbush] When out of nowhere, hubby was like "This girl I used to know could've been the representitive for Isleys. She had a chipped chop ham vagina. It didn't smell like wholeys. But hell, gimme a piece of Wonder Bread n'at, and add some barbeque sauce, I could've had a barbeque chipped chop sammitch". LMFAO .. I died. I could NOT stop laughing. Then he was telling me about his other ex, and how she used to be skinny when they were dating, and he saw her, and he goes "That bitch ate one too many snausages" hahahaha. I love hubby. He makes me laugh uncontrollably for hours. bahahaha. Today is Josh day. w00p. I'm spending the entire day with my boyfriend, and not answering phone calls, or hanging out with anyone else BUT him. Should make for an interesting day. Hopefully, we dont erupt into another argument. We're supposed to go job hunting [for me] later. Hopefully, I find a fucking job. Ugh. But i'm excited. We havent hung out *alone* in almost 2 months. Sooo .. this should be fun. Or, I hope it'll be fun. Thats all for today kids .. TooDLeS ♥
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