tOmOrrOw we can drive arOund this tOwn

Feeling: stressed
Eh. Lifes been a tad boring lately. Weds. night Jules, Ian, & Dan came over. Jules and Ian were prettyyyy drunk. Jules got sick, they left. Thursday, didn't do much of anything. Just kindof layed around the house. Went out with Justin later that night to EnP. Friday I really didnt do anything, I hung out with John n smokkkkeedddd. Today I hung out at home, read the rest of Tucker Max's book, and smoked. Passed out on my couch for a few hours. Went to Walmart, and did Superbowl party shopping. W00! Tomorrow [err, Today rather] is the the Superbowl! Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Seattle Seahawks. It's been so long since the Steelers have had a good enough team to go into the superbowl .. with high hopes of winning. Having a small shindig at my house tomorrow. The people that I know who are def. coming is - Jules, Dan, Ian, & Dani. Plus Josh & Myself. I also invited John, Kelly, Badass, & Britara. && I made chocolate chip cookies tonight. They're effing amazing. I rule. "Funny FAFA" TooDLeS ♥
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