carnival .. beer .. && bl00d

Listening to: CKY
Feeling: hurt
Yep .. I'm an ass. lol. So last night was good, bad, and full of adventures. Jules wanted to go to this carnival, so Me, Justin, Ian, Dan, Justin P, and Jules all went. It was the shittiest fucking carnival i've ever been to. BUT I won a scarface poster, so I was happy. We walked around for a bit, and then sat on these steps trying to figure out something to do. Then these like 16 year olds come over to talk to Ian, and the one was like "KEGGER! Lets go to the kegger man!", and his friend was like "Lets call that one chick up and get some sex." roflmao. Good ol' young bucks. So then we finally decide to go to Denny's to get FOOD! Jules & I ordered this HUGE plate of nacho's and fucking CRUSHED them. Meanwhile, Justin P and Dan are making fun of each other the whole time, and I seriously almost choked. Then I spilled fucking salsa everywhere. *sigh* So we leave there, and Dan tells us his friend Jason is having a party. Soo, we go to this kids house in Arlington. The one kid paid so we could drink. Hooray! The house was fucking hot as fuck, so we went out back where the keg was, and started drinking. Smoked a bit. Talked to a bunch of people. Then Jules, Ian, & Justin P left, and Justin, Dan, & I all stayed. So we're all sitting around drinking, people were doing keg stands n shit. This one kid was SHITFACED off tequilla + vodka .. haha he killed me. Then I was talking to this kid Mike for a good bit. He went inside, we all sat outside bullshitting. OMG! The one dog begged for beer! It was like the COOLEST thing i've ever seen. lmfao. So I go inside to pee, and that dude Mike see's me, and he's like "Wow, your eyes are red as FUCK". lol, aren't they always though? I go back outside and talked. Justin showed some chick his penis piercing. Then we went inside .. sang Happy Birthday to this kid Charles. So I stood in the kitchen talking to Charles, this kid Mike, and this other kid Rob. Charles was like, "You dont need eyeshadow. You're fucking beautiful." lol .. mkay buddy. Smoked a couple bowls, got Justin to hit the bowl a few times. [i started getting lightheaded at this point.] Ugh. They kept pointing out the fact that my eyes were redder than a bullseye. lmao. Then they all kept asking me if Justin or Dan was my boyfriend. Ugh. NO! Stop asking that!! So at 3 Justin & I decided to leave .. and we're walking down their front steps, and Justin's like watch that last step. I don't. I FUCKING RIPPED MY GOD DAMN TOE OPEN. I like tripped and fell, but I caught myself. And I started laughing, so we walk down the street, and I start realizing that my toe hurts. I look down, there's fucking blood everywhere. So we walk back to dood's house, Justin runs in and gets paper towels. So I wrap my toe in paper towels, and like limp back to Justins car. We go home, stop n get cigarettes, and then return to my house. Where we finally see my toe. HOLY CRAP. There's like this huge flap of skin hanging there .. ugh. It was gross. So I went and washed my foot off, then I made Justin clean it out and put bandaids on it. Coz I would've puked EVERYWHERE if I would've done it. So then we go chill in my living room, and Im watching TV and all the sudden Justin stands up, and like has this weird look on his face. He fucking pukes all over himself, my living room, my foot .. etc. So I take him downstairs, stand him over the toilet, and go wash off my off my foot. I then make him wash his face off, then I made him take his shirt off so I could wash it. Then we go back upstairs, and I clean up the puke. Then he fucking passes out on me, so I went to bed. That was my eventful evening. Oh christ. It's always something retarded when I'm involved. Just like Josh said .. "If it's ever to wild or strange to believe, just remember, It's Dara." lol. TooDLeS ♥
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...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. god damn i miss out on all the good shit.