kitty alm0st went d0wn the h0le

Feeling: torn
I hate when bill collecters call at like, 8:30, when you've only gotten 6 hours of sleep. I hate it when people don't like me. Esp. when *I* didn't do anything. Chocolate creamer for Coffee is kindof gross. I miss my Irish Creme :-( Julie gave me anti depressants last night. Or "happy pills" as she calls them. They didnt do shit for me. I would LOVE it if someone came over & gave me vikes & smoked some bud with me. Because I still have a headache! 6 days! SIX. Yah. They say if you have a headache that last longer than a week, you should go get an MRI/Cat Scan done. Oh well, I dont have insurance, or money to do that. So I guess i'll just have my brain explode in my head. I'm kindof freaked out by it. I love when I go in the bedroom to go to sleep at night, and I cuddle up next to Josh. He's so0o warm! & I really like it when he falls asleep, and he snores. It's very relaxing/comforting to me. I'm really hoping I get this job tonight. Even though sitting at a computer for 8 hours at a time, just typing, is gonna suck. I'll get used to it. Besides, It's just something for right now till I get something better. Oooh! I hate when my friends think they're better than me. & They throw EVERYTHING in my face. Fuck off. Assholes. One thing I dont understand - If you claim to be pagan or wiccan .. & ONLY pagan or wiccan .. WHY do they celebrate Christian holidays? Your not a christian, you don't believe in God. Yet your gonna partake in the festivities celebrating his birth. I dont get it, maybe someone could explain that to me. & I'd like a different explanation than "it's easy .. and i like the food & presents". Greedy FUCK! So I got invited to go drinking this weekend. I won't, because my heads been hurting. I'd rather smoke. But, idk. We'll see how my head feels. I really love my boyfriend. & I'm trying not to take him for granted anymore. He's so0o great. ¢¾ I'm just typing this to waste time till Gilmore Girls is on. I hate being awake earlier than 10 am. No one is up. I have no one to talk to. You all suck, just so you know. My cat almost fell in the toilet the other day. He likes to watch the water spin down. So I was in there cleaning some shit up, and he's looking down in the toilet bowl. So I flush the toilet, and he jumps up, and he almost slipped right in. I laughed. The dumb ass. I think I got that cat to0o high, to0o many times when he was little. Oh well. At least everyone can tell he's MY cat. lol. I'm slowly coming to the realization that I have an obsession with - [hoodies], [rubber duckys], [llamas], [80's stuff], [pink], and [stars]. Ok. Annoying techno music should die. It makes my ears hurt. So does Sepultra. That is all. TooDLeS ♥
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