Derka Derk

Listening to: Nickelback - Far Away
Feeling: whatever
Eh. So yesterday was just weird. It just had weird vibes written all over it. Hung out at home. Ate chinese food with Josh. Jules came over, we went to Southside around 8, came home around 9ish. Rob was supposed to come over around 10ish, but somehow that got fucked. I waited till 11:45. Then I left coz John called, and he passed his engineers test, so we went over that. Yah, Rob called 3 minutes after I left. Fuck it. Went over Johns, smoked, did a few lines, drank a bit, and watched SLC Punk. IDK why but my brain has been completely tripping out since last night. NOTHING is making any sense to me. It's like I'll almost have it figured it out, and then I just fuck it all up again. FUCK. I can't even describe it. It's like everything and nothing and anything all at one time, rolled into one pathetic mess inside of my crazy ass mind. Thats the only way I can describe it. If it doesn't make sense .. OH WELL. I tweaked out on Rob and Justin last night. IDK even know why?! I just flipped. I have no idea why or what caused it. Then Josh asked what was wrong. And all I could do was stare and say I dont know. WHAT THE FUCK. I wish I wasn't so weird/crazy. Maybe then I could carry on a normal week for once. That would be NICE. TooDLeS ♥
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fuck it.