the hottness!!!!

yeah, so today at school was okay, except i have a spanish test tomorrow and i'm not exactly expecting to pass it.... umm... yeah, why does spanish have to suck so bad? the one class i just don't get... i seriously have no clue how i get an A in there... anyway... umm... so i guess last week i missed a lot of drama, which is actually kind of a bad thing because none of it involved me so i would have loved to watch it unfold... and none of it was bad drama anyway... so... umm... yeah... oh, dude, almost forgot the entire reason i was posting this entry. christine and i went to the movies today and saw underworld evolution which was rather kick-butt if i do say so myself (and i DO say so lol) and it was awesome cuz we went to the matinee so we were the only ones there... and i beat her at a game of tag before the movie started... and then we watched the hottness (michael) and drooled.... and... umm.... that's about it. but it reminded me of my 14th b-day..... (thought cloud bubble and smoke-edged scene comes onto the screen....) i was so excited because mom was gonna take eryk and i to see I, Robot. we'd been planning it for a week, and my birthday was going great. then... ten minutes before the movie was supposed to start... fate arrived in the form of the UPS man w/ a box of my mom's stuff that looked like it had been run over by a semi... so of course she had to start calling people and companies and sort it all out. and, of course, she dumps on me the dreaded... "sabra, i can't take you to the movies." well, needless to say i was melodramatically heartbroken. (not really, but i WAS disappointed) so... the time for the movie to start rolls around, and there i sit at home... when all of a sudden jacob shows up out of the blue for no reason. (insert shining aura and angelic chorus here lol) so... he took eryk and i to the movie and it turned out we were the only ones there so we didn't even miss the previews.... and we played tag before the movie started. probably one of the best birthdays i ever had. wow, i took a long time to tell a story that only crossed through my head for like, 2 seconds today... lol. actually, i'll bet i already told this story on here, like, when it happened. haha. so now i'm gonna go look for it. lol. well... umm... enough randomness from me for today. later daze! Let it rain... Sabe
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