your grace still amazes me

hmm, been a few days since i posted last. pretty uneventful week. the choir concert was awesome, i'm told i sounded awesome, thanks to those of you that commented, and i think all the other soloists sounded great! had to chuckle at tanner tho, poor guy. he played it off well, though. anyway. i finally got sick of having nothing to read and resorted to the shelf in the den that has all of my parents' books on it. started on Left Behind yesterday and i'm two chapters from the end today. i like it. ...on to the entire reason i decided to make this entry. today was interesting. cool, i guess. ended up being pretty good. amazing, now that i think about it, for what other word can you use to describe a day full of God's blessings? middle of the night i remember having a freaky dream and waking up afterword, but even when i was half-concious and incapable of using big words, my brain automatically rattled off "God, yeah, that was a freaky dream, but i know you will take away any uncomfortable thoughts in my head and fill me with nothing but good thoughts and that it won't bother me." and went right back to sleep. i give myself a little pat on the shoulder for automatically thinking of God when i'm not even fully concious. anyway. got up that morning and... well, getting ready for school this morning was frustrating, and i've gotta admit i was trying pretty hard not to snap when i got to school. but i found a penny sitting in the bottom of my shoe, which helped, and then i finally got myself situated, and walked up to christine like i do every morning, and just seeing her totally calmed me down, and i took a deep breath and thought, "okay, i can do this" and i looked down, and there was a penny on the ground. you all know how i love pennies. pretty cool, huh? well, it gets better. i go to my locker, remembering that i'd forgotten my coat in the locker room yesterday and kinda agitated that i'd have to go track it down later... and my coat was in my locker. which was strange because i distinctly remember having it yesterday. so i was like YEAH! Go God! ...and then the bell rings for 1st period, and i get in there, sit down, and realize one of my favorite earrings had fallen out. this morning's frustration still fresh in my mind, i panicked thinking, aw man, today's gonna suck... and in almost a whiny voice, i managed to pray the word "...God?" and looked down to see my earring in the bottom of my shirt pocket. so that made me like YEAH! but that's not the end of it either. i was headed to 3rd period, remembered i had a chemistry test, and groaned cuz i didn't think i was ready for it. then i looked in the window to miss murphy's room and saw that victoria harmon was the only person in there, and started getting a real bad attitude, prepared to be annoyed by last-minute questions that i knew the answers to, as always. but then i stopped and thought, now, that isn't right... and i prayed for God to give me patience. i was really surprised when i walked in and victoria, someone i hardly ever talk to, handed me a card and told me Merry Christmas. tonya barnes walked in a moment later and did the same thing. i've gotta say, i was really touched by that. more thing i'm definitely grateful for? no homework tonight. so i got a lot of stuff around the house done, and i've had about 3 hours to do nothing but read my book. that made me happy. so the moral of today's story is that if you give Him even the smallest chance, God will bless you in so many ways, you won't know what to do with yourself. well... no, i take that back. i know what to do with myself. Thank you, God, for blessing me so many times today. Thank you for reminding me to trust in you instead of having a bad attitude when things started to go wrong, and thank you for rewarding me because of that trust. I pray that everyone around me is able to put their faith in you as I have, and that you bless them throughout their lives. In Jesus' wonderful name i pray, Amen. well, this entry is plenty long enough. i'm outta here. later daze! random quote of the day: Everybody loves a slinky, gotta love a slinky, slinky, slinky, GO SLINKY GO!!!!! --Ace Ventura Sabe
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