it's here!

okay, so i had all my frenz ova yesterday... eryk broke his foot thanx to alex and justin sprayin the tramp w/ water... and i finally landed my front tuck! go me! workin on the handspring now...... but newayz........ we watched Cold Creek Manor, which wasn't near as good as i hoped it would be.... but it was okay........... HP3's now officially in theatres... and it's in 3 at K8.... mom wants to go see it tonite... she's CRAZY!!!!! it's gonna be so friggin crowded, especially @ 9:40.... which is when we're seein it.... but at least all the hard-cores already saw it last night... or should i say this morning? haha..... man, i don't care what nobody says, daniel radcliffe is HOTT! they make him look like a dork in the movie tho...... well, my harry potter obsession-ness is starting to seep back to the surface and i could go on and on about the movie but i'll spare both you and myself... the question is... what to do w/ myself for 3 hours till then...... hmm maybe i'll work on my story... yeah... okay later daze! random quote of the day: That's mine. *wink* Cora
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