
Listening to: Friends Theme Song
Feeling: punk
why oh why must mothers be so rediculously critical? every time i turn around, day in day out, it's always "don't get cocky. don't do this. i want you to do this so you don't forget how. don't you argue with me!" and the list goes on........ take today for instance. yet another request for me to start playing my piano for half an hour every day..... again. i played for eight years, and they finally yeilded to me stopping lessons cuz of my schedule... and if anyone else out there plays piano, you know that it's like riding a bike- you don't exactly FORGET how to play. i even proved it... i haven't touched the thing in a month or two and i played a piece from memory w/out missing a note... and i wasn't looking at the keys. and the woman still yells at me for arguing with her!!!!! she's like... 'you just like to argue with people, and you never admit you're wrong' but it's HER problem of not admitting being wrong... i mean, hello, does anyone out there agree w/ me?! ...it pisses me off even more that my frenz jacob and britto aren't online so i can't bitch to them about it.... *takes deep breath* okay, i'm done! heh, nothing else special happened today. can't wait till joan of arcadia comes on. hee hee. well i might be back later tonite, might not. later daze yall! Diane Inferno
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Hi Sabe Babe!
heyyy awsome site
come stop by
yes Sabra moms can be a b*&#^! but u have to live with them..

-Holly Lee