
Feeling: overworked
hey everyone, it's been a few days. right now... all my emotions are present at varying degrees. on the one hand, i'm exhausted and overwhelmed and overworked and fatigued, and i can't see any end to it. band has taken over my life. i mean, i expected it. that's what band does. but... it wasn't this bad last year. last year my friends always came over on the weekends regardless of the competitions. this year... i don't even remember when the last time was that i spent time with all my friends. i mean, the girls night out w/ twila was fun, but even that was a few weeks ago, and i didn't get to hang with the guys. i seriously don't remember when i last hung out with justin, and considering he's my best friend in the whole world next to leah, that's really sad. but at least the end is getting closer... three more competitions, maybe four, and i'm done. no, wait, just three, because regardless of whether or not we go to state, i'm going to mississippi with my youth group. WANH. i really am starting to break though, and i'm just done. i'm pretty much zombie-ing my way through everything now. heck... i slept for 20 minutes in chemistry the other day. i've NEVER fallen asleep in class before. it's awful. and then... no, won't talk about the other part on here. now...... on the bright side of things... right now i'm listening to led zeppelin, and that's awesome. today, for the first time in two months, i got to sit home today after school and do nothing. just... nothing. i watched tv. ate dinner. watched tv. shaved my legs (heavenly choir sound fx). and now i'm here. and tomorrow... we perform at 2, meaning we get home at about 4, meaning..... I GET TO SEE MY FRIENDS TOMORROW!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! i am so psyched... which is funny, cuz i used to see them every day and it was just unstated that we hang out... but now, i'm psyched i get to do something. *sigh* anyway... yeah. oh man... dude, one thing that REALLY puts me in a good mood today... it's always a joke to tease amanda about seth masterson, she's totally obsessed w/ him. which is reasonable. i mean, he's easily the best-looking guy in our school. but... today, i don't remember why... oh yeah. i'm standing in the lunchline, of all places, and chad's right in front of me, so of course, all the jocks come up and all of a sudden there's 15 more people in front of me. and i just looked at them, and was like... "come on guys, what's up with this?" and seth masterson gave me a hug and said "i love you sabra, have i ever told you that?" and i played along, but inside i'm going AAAAHHH!!!! WOO! and then i told amanda later that he did that and she was like NUH UH! and didn't believe me... but then in choir, we were supposed to sit SATB, and on his way to his seat, seth masterson sits on my lap and puts his arm around me and goes "hi." and i go "hi seth masterson" and grinned real big and he walked off... but then i got to tease amanda about it... and bask in the moment. haha. and if you're wondering why i keep saying seth masterson... it's because amanda decided that you can't just say seth. it has to be... seth masterson... because it just sounds so much better. and i totally agree... anyway... yeah, i'm gonna stop rambling now, and keep daydreaming about... *sigh*.... seth masterson... haha. later daze! random quote of the day: not what runes say! Sabe
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