banana spider

today's been okay so far, for the most part. this morning i woke up to the fire alarm going off, and i didn't care cuz i was still half asleep. then mom came upstairs and made the one that's right outside my room go off, and started yelling at me to go outside cuz the house was burning and i told her to shut up and let me go back to sleep... and threw a fit and fake-cried so she'd leave me alone, and then erik came back in and asked me if i wanted original recipe or extra crispy. i told him i was unconcious from smoke inhalation. then i took a shower. then i read a couple more chapters in my book, cleaned my room, read some more, and ate lunch, and then mom yelled at us all to come look at this spider she found. i looked it up, it's called a writing spider, more commonly known as a banana spider. i thought it was kinda cool, it looks like there's an alien on its back, and some freaks on the internet say they feed them.... there's a myth that goes along with them too... never smile at it, because if you do it will write your name in its web and come after you in the night...... whatever that means lol. yeah, well, you learn something new every day. i'm gonna goof off now. later daze! random quote of the day: Are those real live dead people? --my grandpa in the catacombs Sabe
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