nothing important

yup, nothin special about this entry, i just kinda feel like updating. i was supposed to have drama club auditions yesterday but ended up skipping because of the time confusions and stuff, so i'm auditioning tomorrow after school, as is jeff. umm.... oh yeah... made cookies yesterday. jeff and justin came over. ate the cookie dough that i screwed up because i forgot i have to put oil in it instead of butter... amazing i actually forgot a recipe... then they went to town w/ eryk and brought me a crunchwrap from chaco ticken and we watched The Cave. good movie. i liked the allusions. ...holy cow, literature class is actually rubbing off on me..... lol. well... um... not much else to say, except that i talked to jacob last night too... yeah, that was interesting. ended up falling asleep w/ my cell beside me instead of on the charger. whoops. now i OH CRAP. wow... that was a mid-sentence realization. american idol starts tonight. usually i don't watch it except for the last few episodes when they only have people that can actually sing... but i gotta watch and see if a certain person makes it on the show as one of the really bad people... lol. all you SKers should know what i'm talkin bout. umm... okay, i'm leaving now. bye bye... random quote of the day: "To Jake Scott, I leave all of my homemade explosives." --Eryk in his senior will. Sabe
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