Another Hickersville Diary Recruit!

Feeling: accomplished
Hey guys! It's iridescentomen (yes, again), aka the Blue Haired Goddess, again! My friend Sabra asked me to make her a diary too, it turns out! Since I make an entry after I finish a diary nowadays (that makes 3 now), I figured I wouldn't break the tradition lol. For those of you that don't know what this is themed after, this particular diary is themed off of the character Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess. Why, you ask? Well for one, Sabra looks a lot like her. Number two, Sabra likes to sing and is a nice person like Belldandy. Number 3, Sabra didn't tell me anything specific to theme this diary after, and since I needed a theme to make a cool diary, I made one up myself that wouldn't be too awfully hard to find pictures for. And here it is...ta-daa!! Well I'm going to go, enough of wasting diary space with my rambling. Hope you like it Sabra. If not, I'll try and redo it as you like more. The Blue Haired Goddess P.S. Sabe, tell me what you think of the singing people at the top of the entries. It's Belldandy and her sisters. It's singing, but I didn't know whether or not you'd like it. (I don't know what to think of it, yay or ney.) Get back to me on that if you can.
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