good day

Feeling: poetic
wow, today was a good day. it started off not too great... cuz last night i put rollers in my hair so it'd be curly when i woke up but for some reason, it wasn't... it was one of the worst frizz messes i've ever seen. so i was rather upset that i didn't have time to fix it, but then eryk hollered up the stairs that there was an hour delay, so i got to get it wet and blowdry it so it looked at least halfway decent. then, on the way to school, i learned that eryk got accepted to rose hulman! i'm so excited for him, and it means he'll only be 45 minutes away next year! yeah! next good thing that happened... oh yeah. notecards aren't due until tomorrow at the end of class. so i have time to get them done! yeah! what else good happened... i got a solo in choir! not the one i wanted, but it's still cool. i feel bad tho, because kaycee wanted it, and she's been singing it from the time we learned it until now, like, she sang it at all the performances in indy and everything. so i hope she's not mad at me, which she most likely will be. but i'm still excited about having a solo, and i really really hope trisha gets merry christmas darling. eryk got a solo too, so that was exciting. hmm.... what else happened today... oh yeah. no make-up algebra 2 homework! yeah! and we didn't have to run today in p.e. and now i'm home...... and i have choir practice from 7:30 to 9:30 tonight, and tomorrow i'm going with justin and victoria to pick out flowers for cotillion. why, i don't know, but she wants me there so i'm going. and hopefully i'm going to see rent on friday! yeah! hopefully my streak of good times doesn't leave me. God is good! (can i get a "all by himself?" lol) well... i think i'm gonna head out of here now. see you on the flip side! random quote of the day: Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean the world's not out to get me. --Eryk Sabe
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