yeah... so... uh...

yeah, so this weekend totally sucked. all-state honor choir. there were..... um... a couple good things about it tho roomies were from new castle and know all the choir tour peeps 2.singing seasons of love in the grand hall with a few peeps i'd never met ended umm... yeah. came home, walked in the door, and phillip and simon run in yellin for dad and ignored me, so i went downstairs where eryk ross and alex were and they ignored me every time i said something to them too, so yeah, i felt real great about coming home... *smirk* at least mom was happy to see me. so anyway, i have since retreated to the computer and downloaded the rent soundtrack, and i must say i'm kinda getting hooked. wish i coulda seen the movie. oh well, i'll see it when it comes out. tomorrow's the colts playoffs game... i'm excited about it, but slightly un-excited because i'm gonna be with my parents and doug reynolds. no tristen or leah. *sniff* man, i'm just not in a great mood right now. i'm not really meaning to complain. i just wish someone was around that cared... justin, or chris... justin would give me a hug and be sympathetic but he wouldn't really have much to say. chris would probably not be comforting, but that's because she always tells me what i need to hear instead of what i want to hear, which i'm thankful for. actually, i could really use a "you'll get over it" from jacob, that or some quick remark that just kinda puts me in my place like always. leah.... leah would be sympathetic and have something to say... but she... i dunno. it's just not the same anymore. okay, i totally need to stop griping and get out of this mood. i'm gonna find chocolate or some other form of junk food and watch smallville. ...i don't really like chocolate a ton, but when i'm in a bad mood, it's there for me. funny how little worldy things like that can be so comforting. okay, this time i'm really gonna stop being depressing and stop rambling and i'm just gonna go. bye bye now.... random quote of the day: don't give up on me. don't you dare give up on me... --Kyr's loneliest hour Cora
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Nice quote, Goo Goo Dolls? Yes. I love it.
