don't take life too seriously...

Feeling: dreamy
well, i hit my hand on a cabinet earlier today, so now it's purple and blue all down the side and it's quite painful to type... but i'm here all the same! hee hee, not much going on, really... i've not written much today on my story, but i've typed and edited and re-edited the first part a billion times... hee hee i'm so critical about literature... actually i'm pretty critical all the way around, but whatever. i was talking to jacob and lino the other day... it was quite interesting, considering he was talking in german... haha it was quite confusing... can only do so much hee hee! well, i've got nothing worth talking about... cept IT WAS WARM TODAY!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! well i'm off to make cookies. ta ta! Sabra the cook
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