[Lets begin with the day I met him..]

Feeling: smooth
my birthday was great!
FRidaY* JeS and KRissY came over and it was so CrAzY we went out in my backyard and played the BuRnTcD* Krissy gave me for my birthday..
We WeRe GhEtTo FoR tHe NiGhT!
yEaHh ShAkE tHaT aSs!!
"I thought you said we were blAzIn in your backyard!" ..we couldve done that :p it was the perfect spot ..but my parents were home :o :x -lmao gOd thEy are such Culo_Freaks SaTuRdAy* I got my Digital Camera now I can take pictures and make movies :D im lovin it 8)
I got my eyebrow pierced!
I got it done at Tatts by Zapp ..the guy ..is going out with.. -My grandfather's -Brother's -Daughter --does that make sense? well anywho.. If they get married he will be related to me :D lol ..my eyebrow looks so cool 8) I love it :D.. © Meg
Read 5 comments
Hey you're an active user..me too... x) I was there!
happy birthday!:D:P -nina (pinkypanther)
lol that was so weird cus i commented on ur diary n then came back to mine n like u left one i was like whoa cool:P lil things like that amuse me:D

***Replace the [Brackets] with the arrows by the M key.

Yeah it was really fun.
They're SO good in concert.
