
I will walk by faith, even when I can not see. Sitting here in Love Library. It's a full house too. Must be the start of a new week. A week in which I hope God walks with me every step of the way. He is so gracious, even when I don't deserve it. This week isn't too busy...but next week is a different story! Lord willing I will be in Papio Wednesday for Bible Study. That will be nice. I feel like I never go to Wednesday nights. ...Revive me...according to your lovingkindness... This is also the last week for the running study. Yea! No more nasty cinnamon horse pills! I wonder if I had the real stuff? I ran into Ted Smith again...he came into Coldstone the other night...I swear, I see that kid everywhere. Anyways we chatted it up on our way to our respective classes this morning. I was suprised to hear that he went swing dancing last night at the Playmore. Man..TP, can you believe it...little Teddy dancing it up!?! Crazy. Speaking of crazy...you want to see a crazy weird movie??? Go rent SuperSizeME. Yeah, um, you'll never want to eat fast food again. Some parts were absolutely discusting..but I think many clear points were addressed in that movie. Like obesity in America is the second leading cause of preventable death after smoking and that Mississippi is the fastest state, where 1 and 4 people living there are obese. Also, that everything in America is big...cars, homes, and our people. We are the fatest nation on the earth, and unfortunately getting fatter. If only people could slow down think clearly for a second and see that eating fast food all the time is detrimental to their health and will only cause long term health problems which will one day kill them. It is especially hard to see kids eat bad, because they are so young and they are prone to continue in those eating habits which can in turn cause juvinille diabetes (like my cousin who has it). Eating right and working out can be easy. It starts with simple actions, like not drinking sugar diluted soda and walking more often than always driving. Eating well balanced meals and not binging on junkfood after 8 pm. helps too. Fiber rich foods like fruit, veggies, legumes, and whole grains will help your body from disease and problems. So there you have it...my rant and rage for the day. But underneath all of what I just said, you must know that Christ is the most important thing anyone can ever experience, love, enjoy, believe in...He provides a way for us to communicate with a most Holy God. He is our advocate, mediator, provider and full of grace and love. Thanks to Him, we can boldy approach the throne of God with confidence knowing that through faith and belief in Him we are forgiven and cleansed of all unrighteousness. Thanks be to God for such a gift!
Read 3 comments
I like your new background, C! It's perty! TP
Love the new background.
me gusta the new background

you forgot to mention the fact that the huskers lost again.... to my horrible school :(

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