::Lost and Found::

I woke up this morning and got ready to take the bus to Wally World. As I was walking on over to the bus stop, and I remembered that I left my keys back at the appt, so I ran back, and as I was running I also realized that I didn't have my ID's with me. So I searched and found my keys, but my id was NO WHERE to be found...I about freaked out. I finally remembered that it probably fell off on the bus last night, so I got to the bus stop office, and the guy had it! I was sooooo happy he had it. I mean, heck I had my Vista Way id, my drivers license, plus my scanning id. SO woo hoo for whoever found it and returned it to the bus stop office! Tonight at work, we were really slow. So slow that we begged for things to make and do. With the pace that our restaurant moves, dead times are not fun. We just all stand around, which can be fun, but it's also fun when we are busy. The good news is that I got off work early! But the bad news is that I broke 8 20 oz. "fish bowl" glasses that we put our large sundeas, milky way sundae, mud slide, and no way joses in! It wasn't me though...it was all the cart..the wheel was so not working right. It was about to fall off. Oh my gosh..cutest thing today...this little boy was like.."He He, Daddy, I just tooted!" and then there was this other little boy that just got served a kitchen sink and he was like..."He He, I get all the chairreeessss" with his little boy accent. I swear, the kids that come to my restaurant are so adorable! The face paintings they have these days are amazing! I saw a spiderman face, a princess, and an alligator! Oh my gosh, speaking of the like..well, kinda..I saw an armidillo at the bus stop when I was waiting tonight. I freaked out, because I thought it was a gator! Good thing I got back safe.
Read 2 comments
Care -
I caught myself up on the past few entries and all your "antics" hehe.
You're like little spill and drop girl - with the toppings and bowls, hehe.
Sounds like you're having fun Care!
See ya!
Dang Gina! You're lucky that armadillo didn't attack you! Those things can be vicious! :)
