::Happy 2003!::

So last night was pretty fun. I don't see why New Years is played out to be such an important night and all...I just look at it as just another night. I mean, I guess it's cool and all that we are moving on to a new year, but eh..I dunno. I went with the fam downtown to see the fireworks, and then we and some fam friends of ours went out to dinner at Cascios. The food was good. I had a salad and chicken tenders. Yum. Then I headed on over to Andrews were everyone was. We all chilled over there. Watched some movies, played ping-pong, ate food, talked...ya know stuff like that. The only bad thing was that down in Andrews basement, I was sitting on his new carpet with my sparkling grape juice stuff, and I spilled a little on the carpet! I was soo mad at myself, and sorry..but he didn't care too much, and he cleaned it up! Pheww! Today the grandparents are coming over...blah blah blah...then I have to pack, because tomorrow I am heading off to Denver! So I won't be writing in this mug for a while.. See Y'all Later!
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Hey Care! Hope you had a great time at your Cru Denver Conference thing! I'm sure it was super awesome! On Friday, I went to a movie and some lady laughed like you and then some guy yelled "oh yeah" when the 2 people finally kissed. OK, gg - bobgirl