::My Weekend::

I had a great weekend. Friday night Becca came down to hang out with us Lincoln kids. We all went over to East Campus and played some shuffleboard and pool. They handed out free glow sticks too. We visited Stace at Coldstone and all shared ice cream. Then we went back to the boys' room and played around with glowsticks in their crazy rendition of a "party room" haha..you should see it. Saturday was a long day. Becca, Kels, and I went to the big game vs. Iowa State. It was kind of a boring game, because we don't really have an offense, so the score was only 28-0. But hey, we won! While we were up in the student athlete section, we met gold tooth Bernards and David Hornes roommate. I forgot his name like right after we met him, but I guess he plays on the team and is from Carson, California. The funniest thing was that he said that Bernards nickname was Juice. I had to laugh. Yesterday was a lovely day. My heart and soul loves to worship God at First Baptist every Sunday. I tried even harder yesterday to solely fix my eyes upon Jesus, and just worship. Sometimes I think I'm not fully engaged in the worshiping of the true and living God. Sunday school was convicting. Lou talked about how we need to be sure we also need to understand and not just get the knowledge thing down. We need to be sure our inward self is what matters and not the outward actions all the time. We shouldn't conform to this world, but be transformed. We shouldn't just have this check list of things to do...yeah it was good. Last night at the Slougers I met this new family..they have 10 people in the family. 8 kids..6 are girls and 2 are boys. They are home-schooled too. They are all really nice and great. I think they really like First Baptist. God just continues to bring more people in our mist. Our God is an awesome God. Today I think I'm going back to Papio with the boys and maybe Kels. I need to get an interview done and study at the library. Also, Grant's mom made a cake, so we are gonna go over there and party hardy. I don't mind traveling back. God is providing the ways and the safety, so I find that trusting in Him is all I need to do, He will do the rest. Happy 23rd Grant. I know you will never read this, but you are such a great old brother in Christ. Have a great day! : )
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