bubble tea

Oh my goodness, it's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY! I've come in contact wiith an old friend from elementary and junior high school and she has become a Christian....it's just amazing....she thanked me for being such a great influence in her life...what? me? A great influence? Doesn't seem possible... Steve and I are going to Casey's wedding in June...I'm excited to see her. I can't believe she's getting married! And Krystal got married yesterday... Enough about that. I am soooo getting Saigon tonight and I am soooo excited about it. Seriously, hands down, the most fantastic asian food ever...AND they have bubble tea! Stacey, what are you doing? Are you my friend anymore? Are you still going to Grace Baptist? I'm worried about you. I love you.
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I understand that we can't please everyone, but this is just ridiculous...don't you think just getting it taken care of would benefit more than just holding off and pissing people off? I hate seeing people skimp by, not do what they're supposed to do, and get treated and act like they are a god! also, what's with people giving the cold shoulder? acting like nothing is wrong when they KNOW something IS wrong?? stop being bitter and grow up. and laziness....i am so sick and tired of people saying they're going to do something and say they're in the process of getting things done.....then you find out that nothing is being done at all...they pretty much lied to you to get out of that moment of confrontation where has purity gone in this world? everything is tainted...even in the church, seeing people act the way they do, flaunt the things they have, is that purity? is that like Christ? i'm done spouting off, but it was about time for an angry entry.
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Listening to: phones ringing
Feeling: agitated
People associate people with people because that's the way people are. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I need some feedback here....What are some good meaningful questions to ask someone? Something that will spur up good conversation. I wish life was easier. I wish we didn't have to work so hard. But do I even really work THAT hard?? I'm lazy and indifferent. Am I any different than my coworkers who don't know Christ?
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can't come to the door right now

Feeling: alright
People.....cuz that's the way people are. Stace, Care....what is it that we used to say??? I can't even remember! Well, I'm back from Minnesota. It's weird going back to normal life after someone dies. But Grams is with Christ now, which is almost unfathomable to me. I love my boyfriend.
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I Want...

Listening to: No One - Aly & AJ
Feeling: sleepless
peace of mind a peanut buster parfait to watch Pride and Prejudice again to get new glasses to dance in the moonlight to be wooed to get engaged/married to go to the beach to read my Bible everyday to love perfectly to know who Augustana is to kiss in the rain to be the prettiest to lose weight to have some sesame chicken and bubble tea to talk to Kim to get a raise to know Christ more to learn how to belly dance Yeah, that's some of the stuff I want.
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Listening to: KT Tunstall
Feeling: amazed
I hate those stupid headings on the top of each of our diaries. They are annoying. Last night was great....A girls fondue night...Polly went all out, but that's Polly for ya. The fondue was "satisfying" and the company was wonderful. It's good to have a girls night every now and then. God is teaching me many things right now. I feel fresh and loved. Loved by my family, by my friends, by Steve, but most importantly, by Christ. I want to really grow and not be hypocritical and selfish. I want to be free. I think I'm going to buy a book today.
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Strong to Deliver, Mighty to Save

I'm so sick of moving and cleaning. That's all I've done in the evenings these past 2 weeks. I'm so close to being done though...at least at my house. Kelsi needs to come get her stuff...And we need to drop off our keys and such at the realtors... I'm all moved in at my parents' house...it's nice to be home...and see Pete and Sarah more. I love my siblings. Steve's apartment.....oh man, everything is just sitting in boxes ALL over the place...so I'm hoping this Saturday I can go over there and start putting stuff in it's place. But Friday night is Steve's and my night...I'm making him a delicious dinner with wine and dessert and then we'll sit and cuddle on the couch, watching a movie...Now, I'm looking forward to THAT! :) Back to work. Peace out.
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Today's my Friday

Well, tomorrow is the big day. I'll throw on my pink/orange dress....slip on those uncomfortable yet hot looking silver sparkly heels and walk down the isle arm in arm with Luke. Then I will dance the night away with my studly tux-encased boyfriend... It's crazy to think they are actually getting married...it makes me feel old. I'm happy for them, but also a little stressed just that I'll get little things done before tomorrow....I don't even want to think about when it comes to my turn...I will be a complete freak!!! This weekend is one big party, at least the next 2 days are, and I am so looking forward to them. Justin is coming in this afternoon and he's bringing Rebekah with him! Girls are hanging out tonight, doing girly stuff...It'll be great. Well, I gotta go tan and grab some stuff at Target over lunch and then finish up reconciliations this afternoon and then head off to the rehearsal! Peace out.
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Feeling: terrified
What a crazy week... I woke up Monday morning with an excruciating pain going through my neck....I go to work, can't handle it, leave work at 11, and go to the doctor. They end up wanting an MRI, so I get that done too. They prescribed me some muscle relaxers and Vicadin. Holy cow....vicadin made me so light headed and sleepy...it was weird. So, I've been out of commission for the past few days, this is my first day back at work. My MRI results showed inflamed tendons in my left shoulder and a bulging disc in my neck...who would've thought?? So, now I have to go to physical therapy for 3 weeks, 3 times a week....I might just go one week though, I don't think I can afford all 3 weeks.... So, although I'm back at work, it still hurts, definitely not as bad though. I'm so ready to go home and sleep.
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Feeling: antsy
It's been awhile. My birthday is on Friday..22 years old... I'm so much happier then I was a year ago. I was so stupid, swaying, and selfish. Which I still can be all of those things...but I have some support. It's supposed to be 60 degrees on my birthday. 60 DEGREES!!!! WOO HOO!!! I'm getting off at 3:30, so I'm going to enjoy that sun and warmth!! Ashlee and I are throwing Kelsi a "personal shower" on Saturday...I think it will be a fun time with the girls. I'm looking forward to it. Sorry this is quite boring. Not much going on here... Oh yeah, Coldplay was great. Chris Martin is very bendy. But an amazing voice....just amazing. Fiona...I will always love her, but she was on a little too much crack at the show. Brooke is married...that's weird for me to think about...
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To You

Listening to: Michael Buble
Feeling: grounded
My selfishness really just overwhelms me. Christ is the most unselfish person that ever lived, and I am called to be like Him, and yet I KNOWINGLY do the exact opposite and whine and complain for what I want. I live in this little world that I think just revolves around me. God wants me to come back to the foot of the cross and realize the depth of my sin, and to an extent, I am seeing it more and more. But I know there is so much more sin in my life. I think God is definitely showing His mercy and holding back just completely freaking me out. If all my sin were revealed to me right now, I'd probably just want to crawl up in a hole and die. So, with what He's showing me now, I want to DO something about it. I need to really BE in the Word, not read it for the sake of checking it off my list or just not doing it at all. I need to pour my heart out to Christ and ask for strength and mercy. I need to open up to Steve more and be willing to share my weaknesses, my failures, me thoughts, everything. How can he keep me accountable if I just bottle it up inside?
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Why oh why oh why oh why does MICHAEL BUBLE have to be coming on a SUNDAY NIGHT to Omaha? OH, how I would love to hear his rich, velvety smooth voice live....ARGH. That totally MAJORLY sucks. C'mon now, this is pretty funny... "This is the true story TRUE story Of 12 strangers Picked to follow the Messiah And have their lives written down To find out what happens when people stop being sinners And start being saved The REAL World ... Jerusalem"
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My Eyes Are Dry By Keith Green My eyes are dry My faith is old My heart is hard My prayers are cold And I know how I ought to be Alive to you and dead to me But what can be done For an old heart like mine Soften it up With oil and wine The oil is you, your spirit of love Please wash me anew With the wine of your blood
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Skin and Bones

I wish I used this journal to really express my feelings, sorrows, triumphs....instead I use it to update the very few people who read this. I want to be more disciplined. And in so many aspects of my life. My health, my mental/emotional life, my spiritual life. With Kelsi moving out in March, I think I might be moving out also. Back to the good old parents' house...for the time being, until other plans occur. :) It will save me a great deal on money, and that means I can pay off my debt faster...now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Work is sometimes so unfulfilling for me. Don't get me wrong, it's way better than Asset, but....it's not quite the right fit for me. I don't know, I just need to be patient. My neck STILL hurts from my car accident. What the heck, that was almost a month ago! It'll be ok for a few days, and then it'll act up again. And now that I'm working out on a regular basis, thanks to my personal trainer Steve, I would think because it's getting stretched out more, it would feel better. But it doesn't. 10 more minutes and then I am free to drive home in crazy traffic, change, and then go have dinner with my family and Steve.
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This is one of the worst days I've had in a lllooonnngg time. No crying, Becca. It's not allowed. You're a big girl.
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Good Times

I think I might've found something out today that I wasn't supposed to know. But I'm just going to forget I ever knew anything... I can't believe it's already Thursday. That's a good thing. This is so stinkin' hilarious and oh so true... You're an 80's kid if: 1. You ever ended a sentence w/ the word "SIKE" 2. You watched Pound Puppies 3. You can sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" 4. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish. 5. You yearned to be a member of the babysitters club and tried to start one of your own. 6. You owned those lil Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls. 7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on "Blossom" 8. Two words: M.C.Hammer 9. If you ever watched Fraggle Rock 10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars. 11. You can sing the entire theme song to "DuckTales" 12. It was actually worth getting up on Sat morning to watch cartoons 13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head 14. You saw "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen 15. You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class. 16. You had a clip that held your shirt in a knot at the side 17. You played the game MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House) 18. You wore a Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of it 19. L.A. Gear... need I say more 20. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in kindergarten 21. You remember all of the Ramona books 22. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF" 23. You wanted to be a Goonie 24. You ever wore fluorescent clothing (some head to toe) 25. You can remember what Michael Jackson REALLY looked like 26. You ever wondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf 27. You took lunch pals to school 28. You remember the CRAZE! , then the BANNING of slap bracelets 29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence 30. Barbie and the Rockers were your fav band 31. You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up 32. You thought your childhood friends would never leave you b/c you exchanged friendship bracelets 33. You ever owned a pair of jelly shoes (and probably in neon colors) 34. After Pee-Wee's Big Adventures you kept saying "I know you are but what am I" 35. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up" 36. You remember skating before in-line skates 37. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip-n-slide 38. You had a Skip-it 39. You had or attended a birthday party at Mc Donald's 40. You've gone thru this nodding your head in agreement 41. "Don't worry, Be happy!!" 42. You wore like 8 pair of socks over tights w/high top Reeboks 43. You wore socks scrunched down 44. "Miss MARY MACK MACK MACK all dressed in BLACK BLACK BLACK" 45. Boom boxes vs. CD players 46. Both Gremlin movies 47. "CARE BEAR STARE!!!" 48. You remember Rainbow Bright and My Lil PonyTales 49. You thought Doogie Howser was hot! 50. Alf, the furry brown alien from Melmac 51. New Kids on the Block when they were cool 52. Knew all the characters and there life stories on the ORIGINAL Saved By the Bell 53. Know all the words to Bon Jovi- SHOT THRU THE HEART 54. You just sang it to yourself 55. You remember when Mullets were cool 56. You tight rolled your pants 57. You owned a banana clip!
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What's the deal with my brain?

Feeling: impish
We're getting off at 3 because my boss IS AWESOME. I love that woman, she is the best. So, I'm going to do a little shopping....hopefully just find a pair of jeans, cuz that's all I need. I haven't gotten to go shopping by myself FOR myself in a long time....love it love it love it. I got dual flat screens at my desk today and they are absolutely fantastic. I'm very much enjoying them. HAVE A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR WEEKEND EVERYONE!!!!
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fun survey

It’s The End Of The Year As We Know It... In the beginning of 2005... Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope How old were you? 20 What was your outlook on the world? I was a bit confused, a bit lonely, but all together OK. How were you doing at school/your job? I loved and had an awesome time with my coworkers, but hated my job. What did you most look forward to? My 21st birthday Did you make New Year’s Resolutions? Not really What was your biggest worry? That I was disappointing a lot of people Who was your best friend? At that moment, I really didn’t have one, I had just lost her. What did you do with your spare time? Hung out with Katie, relaxed at home alone What did you do for fun? Hung out with the girls from work or with the girls from church In the middle of 2005-the summer! Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? YES!!! Had your outlook on the world changed? Yes, things had turned around, I was so at peace with my life and just content and happy. What did you spend your summer doing? Getting to know Steve better, finding a new job Did you get tan? You bet I did! Who’d you hand out with mainly? Megan, Amanda, Steve Did you go visit anywhere? Uhh…does Worlds of Fun count? What was your biggest worry? That I wouldn’t find a good job What was the most fun event that happened? There are just too many to name, it was the beginning of me and Steve’s relationship, so there were many fun things. And as the year draws to an end... Still got a significant other? You bet I do How old are you? 21 What major changes have happened since the year began? I have a different job that is WAAAYYY better than my old job, and I’m in a serious relationship now Is your life any different from when it started this year? Very much so What thing that happened stands out in your mind? Steve and I started dating How have you changed? I’ve become more of who I really want to be, not what other people want me to be. What was the most embarrassing moment of the year? Finding out that my 21 red roses were from a creepy old man When was your lowest point? In the beginning of the year, when I was surrounding myself with things that just weren’t good for me Are you happy with how the year went? Yes, as it progressed, I became happier What thing would you change if you could? I wouldn’t have fallen into some ridiculous and stupid peer pressure For 2006... What do you plan to not do that you did this year? I plan to relax and not get so high-strung about things. Do you think it’ll be better than this year? Most definitely yes Do you think it’ll be WORSE than this year? I doubt it What do you plan to do next year? Get engaged, get married (?), move out of the Kromer’s house, have a healthier life style What are your pre-New Year’s Resolutions? To have a healthier lifestyle, to budget my money better Who are you spending New Year’s Eve with? Steve, of course, and probably the rest of the gang from church And to wrap it up... What one thing would you like to say as the year is almost done? I made it
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