[95o] again, again

Feeling: accomplished

SitD, there are not many things I wish for you, but a Tumblr Savior-esque block button is one of them. Just consider it, you know, think about it for a little while. It's okay, I'll wait.

Done my last homework assignment for the year (i say as though it's any real accomplishment).

They have to let me in this year, right? Like, I'm totally going to blow them and everyone else out of the water at this point?

I've never been so sure, even more sure than I thought I was last year, but damn if I could just fast forward a couple months, that would be cool too.

Going to Utah. Almost definitely. I have never been. Let's see some mountains, America. Show me what you got.

That was the most fun I've had in a thread in a long, long time. Felt good to do something shit stupid, for once. I can never seem to manage that over melodrama. Not that I mind melodrama. I obviously love to write melodrama.

Work is boring, but good. I feel a little like I'm in a stasis situation. People keep asking me if I'm going to pursue more school in the summer or next fall, and it's getting awkward to say "i'm thinking about it". I've been thinking about it for three damn years, it has been thought about, that is a dead horse. I cannot wait, and I mean cannot wait to be able to say that I AM QUITTING AND MOVING TO FINLAND AND YOU'LL SEE MY NAME ON THE CUP IN TWENTY YEARS MOTHERFUCKERS

it's going to be beautiful. Fuck you, glass ceiling, I am going to smash the fuck out of you and I am going to be the best goddamn coach the league has ever seen. I will, I will, I will.

Just--you know, remind me of this when I get frustrated, okay?


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