~36o~ Exhale, another wasted breath

Feeling: depressed
So Math depresses me. A lot. As in, I felt like crying, a lot. It ruined my entire day. And it just keeps getting worse. Suprise. He's planned a damn surprise. I love how guys are so blind sometimes. Do you not pick up on the Ice bitch thing I've been doing? I don't like you. Go away. I don't want a suprise, I don't want your hands around my waist, and I most definetly don't want you to even think about kissing me. I hate that. I hate it. I Hate It . Just like I hate math. Just like I hate homework. You're nothing more then homework to me You want my real feelings? Those are my real feelings. That's how I feel. And I hate it. Right now. I hate everything. I can't stand it. I don't want to be here, I don't want to have a boyfriend(Kayla, you can yell at me later for complaining but not doing anything about it), I don't want it. I want out. Now. I need out. God. I suck So much Right now I don't care about anything other than me. I hate it I don't like me right now But I love being an Ice bitch ~Katie
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