[682] Watch her as she flew

Feeling: bipolar
So. A ton of stuff has been happening, all of the sudden. My entire summer has been pretty lazy, all things considered, but now, out of the blue, everything falls onto me at once. How odd. I've been in a weird, completely bitchy mood for no reason at all. It's not PMS (anymore), but I just...I dunno. Bitchy. For the most part. And then sometimes stupidly happy. I was happy when I was jetskiing. Because then it was me, and the water, and the wind in my face, and nothing else. I don't think I feel at home on land. I'm awkward. And not graceful. And only occasionally good looking. But when I'm on a boat, or when I'm flying a plane, or when I'm typing, which is technically not existing on land, but on the internet, I'm...I dunno. More me. If that makes sense. I have also decided that I want to marry a jet pilot. Because he will fly jets. And jets are hot. I would jump him in a dark alley any day. Perhaps in a light one as well. I lost my watch. That watch has been with me across oceans, and under stress, and through all my years of high school, and most of elementary. It was a very melancholy moment to when I discovered it missing, and realized it was sitting at the bottom of the lake. Maybe in 200 years or so, somebody will find it, like a fossil. Maybe they'll wonder who's watch it is, or maybe in the future, they won't have watches, in which case, they'll be wondering what the hell it is. Maybe they'll think of who it belonged too. It belonged to me. They won't ever know who I was. Weird. Things coming up: --I might be getting braces. I'm pushing for inside the teeth or invisalign, because I'm a big enough dork as it is, braces are the last thing I need. I will enjoy straight teeth though, because I really don't like mine right now. --Hockey, two weeks. I was drafted to the Canucks, last pick. I'm hoping it went in order of sign up, and I just signed up last. Either way, I'm also hoping I get bumped up, and I get to play for the Canadiens. --I need to book a doctors appointment, because my knee is kind of a bitch, and I'm allergic to something and I need to know what it is. My stomach shouldn't feel like that, ow. --I hate tampons. I can't figure them out, where the christ do these things go? I am going to be terrible at sex. --I'm getting my ears pierced again. Maybe another two studs at the bottom, or maybe a loop at the top, I'm not sure yet. I will most likely do this when no one else is expecting it. So don't expect it. --I'm also getting a tattoo, hopefully in December. It's going to be an anchor. I'm not sure where to put it yet, but it's definitely going to be an anchor. For my Grandpa, for my best friends in the world, as a reminder to keep myself grounded. It's perfect. --I think I also want to get my nose pierced, but that can wait. --It's weird that all my friends have moved out, and are in university right now. Really weird. --I finally did some work for my online course. Necrosis is tissue death, which made me realize Garrett made me learn against my will. What a bitch. But it's not hard, and I'm stupid, and I have a month to get through the rest of it. If I read at work, it won't be that hard. --I planned out the rest of my story, and realized that my writing style is so very different from everybody elses, at least when it comes to fiction. It's also way different from the way I RP, which is also weird. Now if only I could sit down and write. --Reminded me that NaNoWriMo is in two months. I have nothing planned. I'm already writing the story that I thought I was going to write for it, so now I need to find a new one. Where the hell am I going to find a new one? --This is a very, very long entry on a blog that nobody reads. I am a freak. --Sometimes I think I'm really just bothering everybody, and that I talk too much, but that nobody says anything because they're too polite. I usually realize this too late, after I've already talked too much, and I can't take it back. I'm sorry, I don't mean to take over the conversation and make it about me all the time, I'm trying to do better. Sort of. --I've had a lot of pent up writing, apparently. Maybe that's why I've been so bitchy lately, because I haven't vented in a while? That's probably it. This is like my detox post. Maybe I'll go back to feeling better. --I wish I would stop passing out in the middle of things, because I actually have awesome ideas, and character things and whatever, and I have way too much time on my hands during the day to plot them out. I have also written a ton of scenes in my head. Why? I don't know. They never turn out as well when I try to write them down. Wish they would. --I think I'm done for now. ~Katie
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