[5o4] Y

Feeling: tickled
Ah yes, once again its time for Katie to start rambling forever and ever, and ever. Mostly because I've had horrible writers block for a while now, and it's rather annoying me. That, and I'm stuck at home, and I need something to distract me from the shitty feeling that comes with having half your face frozen by the stupid dentist. He really shouldn't yell at people, 'cause somebodies gonna yell back. Everytime I think I'm over it, and everytime I think I'm finally okay, I turn around, and hey, guess what, I'm not. I mean, I don't know what it is exactly. I'm not crying myself to sleep every night or anything, I'm tired of that. But I guess I miss being in a relationship. I miss having someone that cares just a little bit. I'm not saying I don't have that, my friends are completely and totally amazing, and I know they love me. But it's different when you have a boyfriend, you know? I think I'm one of those serial monogomamist people. You know the kind that jump from one long relationship to another. And really, I'm okay with that, because I'm not the kind of girl that can just hook up and the forget it. I get emotionally attached, and I would never want to saddle a guy with that sort of emotional thing, if all he wanted was to make out and get out. I have nothing against the people who can do that, and I seriously applaud you, because it's a skill that I seriously lack. On that note, I plan on hooking up in the Dominican. Not like having sex with anybody, but honest to God, there has to be SOMEBODY who will make out with me or something. Honestly. Bah, my face is still frickin' frozen, and it's pissing me off right now. I just want to eat my damn lunch, but I can't even do that. What the hell, whoever the hell invented fucking fillings can go rot in a hole and die. I really wish I had somebody who would listen to that story. I miss aw baby. Fuuuuuck, I'm supposed to be getting better at this. I'm really not, obviously. I think Sex & the City once said you should allow one week for every month you were together. That's like...7 weeks. That's a really, freaking, long time. I want to be over this now, I hate dwelling. And he needs to change his freaking myspace already. Seriously. It's been like 3 weeks, stop giving me false hope assface. Ugh. Why can't I ever say this shit to peoples faces? I always lurk around in my blog, and put my feelings here, and nowhere else and it's annoying, and it got me into trouble. I just can't get over the soulmate thing. I really thought I had it this time. Not like that means a lot, because I think that every time. I mean hell, I look at a guy for 5 seconds, decide that it would be really interesting if we got together, and plan our wedding. And most of the time, I don't even know his name. It's a horrible habit, but I can't help it. Thank God telepaths don't actually exist, or I'd be totally fucked. Hmm I meant to come here and write some really deep thoughts about everything. I spend too much time thinking, so that's what I was going to put down. But I didn't, and that kind of disappoints me. I guess I have SitD writers block too. ~Katja
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*Hugs Teh Katja* I LOVELESYOU

o.O That just made no sense. Not even to me.

YAY! ...? Right? o.o!


x.x;; I'm at school, and I'm commenting you.

The song breaking the law comes to mind. I dunno. Anyways. Yeah. It's gonna be cool.


Dominican Republic right?

Sounds pretty fun.

You better have fun.

If you don't, I'll Ki' You.

o.o Thats for you to figure out.