~645~ I wanted you to know, I love the way you laugh

Feeling: empty
Have I already mentioned I hate this stage? Cause I'm gonna mention it again. I hate this stage MOTHER&&#*@&!!!! Stupid Bowling. Going to totally miss everything... Oh well. I need to get out of the house once in a while. Actually Thank God for bowling. I was running out of excuses to not hang out with him. Horrible person, I know. Good thing I don't really have a consience. What am I going to do about March Break? ... Yeah. This might be a good time to actually break up with him. Cause there's a whole week buffer in there. Yep. Total bitch right here. 'kay. NOW I feel bad. Sort of. But not really. ~Katie
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Oh! OH! What happened to the Canadians on Monday eh? :P