~81~ Ummm

"But even when you think you win, you still loose... go die. :) Coldplay is tEh suxorz" Umm...Excuse me, but whoever wrote that can go to hell. Where do you get off telling me to go die? Where do you get off insulting my choice in music? And oh, imagine that, too scared to leave a name. Go figure. So whoever you are, you know what? I'm happy right now. I don't know you, I don't want to know you and I feel sorry for anyone who does. Because you are a coward. I don't care what you think of me because you don't know me, you will never meet me, I will never know your name. So I don't care. But you know what? Go screw yourself. ~Kat P.S. Coldplay rocks out loud.
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That's right Kat ^^ take it too him/her. See how she took out that guff. She flat out rejected it. You're still wicked cool ^^.