~265~ I demand you ph3ar the deepness

Listening to: Baby Girl - Sugarland
Feeling: pissedoff
I demand you ph3ar the deepness of this next entry. Have you ever been happy just to be alive? Have you ever woken up one morning and gone "I'm me. I am and I am alive. I can walk, I can talk and I can . I'm here. On this planet. I am alive and I am grateful for it." Or maybe not even waking up. Just like...walking across a room. I came to an ephiphany yesterday. I was walking across the room at my uncles house, and he offered me a Pepsi. And all the sudden in my head, I was like "This is me. I am Katie Hatcher and I am alive. I can drink this Pepsi and I can do whatever I set my mind to. I can jump, I can dance, I have friends. I have people who miss me when I'm gone and I have people who I can't live without. I'm alive, in this infinte universe, just a tiny pinprick or a dot on the radar of life (Or a piece of dust in the vacum cleaner of life, XD XD RACH!!! w00t) and yet...I'm here. This is what I'm doing...I'm walking across the floor. I doing something." Interesting, huh? I can't really describe what happened or what went through my head. Then I started thinking "why? why am I here? Why am I walking across this floor or existing at all? What's my purpose? Am I suppose to help people? Inspire people? Teach? Am I suppose to be spectacular? Or just mediocre? Can I really reach for the stars or is it just out of my grasp? Can I, Katie Hatcher, make a difference in this world? Or am I just a nameless face, to be lost forever in the history of everything, like so many others." So I decided, No. I don't want to be just a nameless face. I want to be someone to people. Maybe I won't be remembered forever, but I will make a difference in one persons life, like so many others have made a difference in mine. And now...I just want to Thank God for everything. Oh yes. I'm getting religious on your asses. Fear me dammit. (Heh. Aren't I such a good christian?) Well...ok, prepare for life storyishness. I've been raised as a christian my entire life. I really don't know what its like not to know God or to not go to church on sundays or to not pray. But really...just in the past 2 months or so, ESPECIALLY at camp, I've just gotten... A whole lot closer, I guess. Before, I felt like I was faking it. Because I was. I was a faker and I knew it. I doubted God, and I doubted what he did in my life and I doubted everything. I wasn't living for him and I was envious of all my friends who were always "the good christian girls". (HAH! RACH! YOU BROWNER! >.> J/k I heart you and Bozer)I always saw myself as "the bad one", the black sheep, the bad influence. I wanted, what I wanted and I wanted it now. I cried when things didn't go my way and I didn't trust in Gods plan for me. Hell, I doubted he even existed, and because of that, I was scared. I was scared of death, I was scared of living and doing what I wanted and going out of my comfort zone and standing up and speaking out. And now...I'm not. *shrugs* And yes, I know that a lot of you who read this, aren't christian. And yeah, part of the reason I don't talk religion all that often to people who aren't christian is because they have questions, but I don't have answers. I know people who have the answers though. I just can't remember them. And yes, I am against gay marriage. Bring on the angry mobs and deny me my right to speak, just as you claim we deny yours. Its not that I don't like the people, I know people who are Bi and what not *coughKaylaandArmokcough* I love them. But their choices? Not so fond of. *shrugs* Its just a part of me you'll have to deal with. And yeah, I won't always argue these points, because as I said before...I don't have all the answers. And I'm still scared. And now, I might get comments from people saying "Oh so your christian and you think you're better then everyone else on Gods green earth" No. I don't think that. Hell, I'm a pretty bad person. I've done things that I regret and I've made choices that I shouldn't have. But I'm not better then anyone else. So don't accuse me of that, mmk? Alright. Deepness over now. Go back to your regular programming. edit- After further consideration on this entry. I believe I had a "realization about the meaning of life" thing yesterday. For a few (Short, short) moments. I understood life. woah. ~Katja
Read 6 comments

Beautifully said!

Ive thought the exact same thing!

Haha! Me? Good Christian girl?...yay! go me!haha! I feel bad though, I really have to get off of my bad word thing..its definitely a problem. Hey, you know what me and Steph were thinking? We wanna start a girls Bible Study, kinda like a once a week thing or something. Just have a bunch of girls from around our area over, and hang out & talk about God and cool stuff like that? ja?

The first few paragraphs before the religious ones are exactly how I feel everyday. I just love life I guess.

It's great to see how much you appreciate life and it's even more spectacular how you acknowledge your own self... it's like... you realize uniqueness has nothing to do with your own body, but rather who and what surrounds your life.

This was by far the most mature entry I've seen in a long time, not to mention you are only 14!
Your friends are bisexual... oh well. It's their choice and they are happy with it. I know religion tells you it is not something to accept, but they are your friends. It's their choice. Things you feel strongly about should be voiced, but they should not be imposed. In fact, you are very accepting in my opinion. That's a great quality.

As I grew older I realized how much people's choices are a lot different from mine. It's life, man.

I can be a deep thinker. Don't doubt the fact that being depressed has its quirks!



awesomeness Kat!!