
Listening to: Froggy Mix
Feeling: hyper
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! At 7 o'clock this evening....I offically became... NEW YEARS HYPER!!! (*Can see Rose going "O.O RUN! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD RUN!!"*) *has been giggling hysterically for 10 minutes now* AHAHHA! YOUR FACE!! Hehehe...Best thing I've heard all day Dalton: I'm in the closet...WITH YOUR SEXUALITY!! *laughed hysterically for about 5 minutes* WOO!!!!! This is the part where you RUN FOR YOUR LIVES AND BEG FOR MERCY! (From puss in boots!!HAHAH!) Oh WOW I need help. I SHOULD BE REALLY MAD!! AND I AM!!! BUT I LIKE BEING MAD!! SO I'M HAPPY! I LOVE BEING KATJA!! PHONE SEX!!!!! *dies laughing* Tschüs!! YOu think this is bad? Wait until monday...WHEN I GET BACK FROM SEEING U2!! To all those who say they suck: YEAH?! WELL U2 CALLED ME UP AND SAID YOUR MOM!!! O.O ~ICH BIN KATJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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*does not run* *wonders about your sanity*
*feels bad for your future children*

*laughs hysterically*
Kat...shush it!
