[535] S

Feeling: listless
I just thought it would be cool to go. You know, because I haven't been for 9 years. I just thought it would be nice to see people that I haven't seen in a long time, maybe never see forever. I thought it would be nice to see where I came from, because I'm really proud of having a Newfoundland heritage, because it's really one of the coolest places if you ask me. I want to see if it feels like home. It should feel like home. I really badly want it to. Was it selfish? Was it really selfish to want to go? Was it selfish to want to go for one week instead of two, so I could come home and go to Fantasy Island and Toronto, and Jimmys birthday, and school registration. Was it so bad to want to have my cake, and eat it too? I can't figure out why my mom is so upset about it. It's not a huge deal, I mean she runs off all the time for two weeks and you don't hear me complaining. Well, actually, you do. But still. I don't know. It wasn't supposed to be this messed up. Now the airmiles are spent, and now what? I can't go for two weeks, then I'll get back and get tossed into school. I feel like I've barely had time to enjoy summer. Because I've barely had time to enjoy summer. I haven't done anything. I spent the entire day on the computer. And I wasn't going to. I've done that every day this week. I feel like shit. Was it selfish? I don't know.
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